You're hot when you're mad- Pedri Gonzalez

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Warnings: hurtful language, slightly suggestive (at the end)

I've been going to football matches for as long as I can remember but the older I've gotten the more exciting they have become. Over the last year it has become my favourite thing to do as not only do I get to support my little brother but also my boyfriend as they are both on the same team and pretty much always play together. Today is another one of those matches as both of them are playing against Atletico Madrid which is a pretty big game. Like every game I've been super nervous all day as I drove to the stadium and as I've been waiting to be able to go to the stadium. I'm always nervous for games but this one I've been even more nervous for as I know they will be playing against Joao Felix.

Its not often that I really care or worry about certain players on the opposing team but this match is different because Joao and I have bit of history. Right when Pablo started at Barcelona I met Joao at one of the games and we talked for a while and ended up exchanging numbers. Things between us didn't last very long as he just got with loads of other girls while talking to me and I got closer to Pedri who treated me right so we ended up together. Since then I've avoided Joao as I just don't want to deal with the whole situation so everytime Barca play Atletico I always get nervous about seeing him as I know the longer I go the more I'm pushing my luck. For some reason today I've just had an awful feeling that I'm going to have to see Joao which is why I've been so nervous but I really hope I'm just being irrational and it won't actually happen.

In keeping with tradition I made sure to get to the stadium in plenty of time and headed straight to the tunnel to wish Pablo and Pedri good luck before they go out. It has become a thing since the first match after Pedri and I got together that I'm always the last person to wish them luck before they go out and my anxiety about seeing Joao isn't going to stop me doing that. Standing in the tunnel had me incredibly anxious especially as all the Atletico players started walking out first but I kept my cool and just looked at my phone. I looked up at one point to see what was going on and happened to make eye contact with Joao so to be polite I smiled and then luckily I heard someone say my name which got me out of any conversation.

Pablo came over first and gave me a hug and we did the handshake we have had since we were kids before Pedri came up from behind him. His arms made their way around my waist as he pulled me into a tight hug so I rested my head on his chest to allow us to get a bit closer. He pulled away a little bit and leant down to kiss me which made Pablo make gagging noises like he always does but we just ignored him. I gave Pedri one last kiss and then kissed Pablo on his cheek as I know he hates it and then left them to go back to my seat.

Once the match started my nerves calmed down a bit and I just focused on Pablo and Pedri trying to watch everything they did which isn't easy as they can be quite far apart on the pitch. Things were going really well as Barca were 1-0 up and they were both playing really well but at some point Barca had a free kick and I saw Pablo pushing Joao with an angry look on his face which isn't unusual but he seemed extra mad. When the play got going again I saw Pablo tackle Joao and to say it was a bit harsh may be an understatement. Again I could just see pure anger in his eyes as Pedri came and took him out of the situation before it got out of hand. I have told Pablo about what happened with Joao but it has never made him angry when playing him before but I can't help but feel like this whole situation is my fault.

The match ended 1-0 and I was just so glad for it to be over as the whole time I was worried that Pablo would get himself into a bad situation but luckily he made it through the match without any more altercations. As all the players were walking off the pitch Pablo still seemed like he was super angry and I could see him ranting to Pedri so I'm guaranteed to find out what happened at some point. Once they were off the pitch I made my way down to the tunnel again to greet them both when they were ready to leave as we are staying at the same hotel so I don't want to go on my own.

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