Things he loves about you headcannon- Pablo Gavi

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- Pablo loves that your smile can always cheer him up he can be having the worst day but just seeing you smile instantly improves his mood. Your smile can't actually solve all of his problems but he definitely feels that way for him as nothing else gives him such a burst of happiness 

- You are the the only one that can calm him down which everyone appreciates. After a bad game the team make sure Pablo sees you before going back into the locker room as that way you can talk to him usually about something else and not the game until he's calm when you send him back to his teammates. Pablo doesn't always realise how good you are at helping him keep control of his emotions but when he does it only makes him love you more

- Pablo is in love with the way you look when you wake up in the morning. There is nothing he loves more than seeing you with no makeup on and hair all over the place as even though you think you look disgusting he thinks you look beautiful. Just something about seeing you so natural and vulnerable almost as you are just waking up fills his heart with joy

- Pablo is always appreciative of his understanding you are. There are times that he isn't around much and can't spend as much time with you as he would like but you never complain or get mad at him. Even when he has to cancels plans with you because something you don't make him feel bad at all as you know he will make it up to you at some point because he always does

- He loves how you are willing to train with him on days off. Over the summer or when the team have some days off Pablo loves to train with you whether thats in the gym or with a football. You aren't the best with a ball but he has taught you a lot and you are definitely good enough to help him train and he loves getting to run around with you

- There is the odd occasion that Pablo gets carried away and will go too hard on you whenever that happens he feels awful but most of the time you just get back up and continue to play which he really admires. Knowing you share his fighting spirit just makes Pablo adore you more and it spurs him on too as he wants to show you that he's just as determined as you

- Your work ethic is another thing Pablo loves about you. No matter what you are doing you always put in 100% even if you don't get the result you wanted Pablo knows you would've tried your hardest and he's always there to encourage you like you always do for him

- The two of you make a great couple as Pablo always gives his all in training and during the matches and you give your all in your university work. The two of you are always supporting each other and when something doesn't go your way you are always there to pick each other up which is how you both still maintain your strong mentality

- Despite how much work you put into everything else in your life you always still make time for Pablo which he appreciates. Even if you've had classes all day and have other work to get on with if he has a day off you will always find time to spend with him as it's not often that he gets time off. He of course does his best to do the same as you two are committed to making your relationship work

- There are a lot of little things Pablo loves about you like the way you have a set routine you follow in the morning and at night which he adores watching you complete as nothing can distract you once you've started even him hugging you from being and covering you in kisses 

- He also thinks it's cute how you just naturally move things that are out of place whether that be at yours or his. Whenever you notice that anything isn't the way it usually is you will move it back but you don't know you are doing it which is why Pablo finds it so cute. Sometimes he puts things slightly out of place before you arrive just to see how many you will fix before you leave 

- Pablo loves everything about you but the thing he loves the most is how much you care for him. You don't care about his money or his fame you just care about him which is all he could ask for in a partner and he found that with you so he never plans to let it go 

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