Fluff alphabet- Dominic Szoboszlai

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A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about their partner?)

Physically Dominik loves your lips. Of course he loves kissing them but thats not the only reason he loves your lips. Over time he has noticed the little habits you have with your lips from biting them when you are concentrating or how you pick at them when you are nervous. He just finds it so endearing how he can tell how you are feeling just from looking at your lips. He also loves your lips as they are always soft from the lip balm you put on which he often has on too from kissing you so much. 

Personality wise Dom loves how cheeky you are. He likes to mess around and not be too serious in life so the fact that you are like that too is perfect. As much as it also drives him mad he loves that you aren't afraid to tease him or pull a prank every now and then because he loves your fun side. He also adores the face you make when you know you are being cheeky as he just thinks it's so cute.

B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)

Dom definitely wants kids. He adores kids and you do too which means you two have always been on the same page about definitely wanting kids even from the start of your relationship you knew if you two stayed together you would have kids someday. Dom has always loved seeing you with kids whether they are the kids in your family or his teammates children you are always so good with them and it just makes his heart melt. He is always thinking about how you will be with your own child and he can't wait for the day he gets to see you with your baby together in your arms. The two of you would like to begin expanding your family sooner rather than later but plans were put on hold when you moved to Liverpool as you wanted to settle into life there first.

C = Cuddle (How do they like to cuddle?)

Dominik loves to completely smother you when he cuddles you. He likes to hold you as close as humanly possible and then bring you in closer. He is always giving you big bear hugs when he gets home so when you cuddle it's pretty much the same, his arms are wrapped all the way around you and he holds you close to his chest. Dom likes to cuddle like this as when he's around he likes to make the most of the time you two have together. You both have pretty busy schedules so any time you get to spend together he definitely doesn't take for granted. You never complain either as having him close is always so comforting and after a long day or week his cuddles are exactly what you need. 

D = Dreams (How do they picture their future with their S/O?)

Dominik sees his whole future with you. The two of you have been together for a while and doesn't see that ever changing. He's so happy with you and he wants you by his side for whatever the future throws at you, the good and the bad as that's just how your relationship has always been. The both of you love the idea of being there for each others biggest achievements whatever that may be. Dominik always sees you watching him play in the biggest match of his career with his family and your kids with you cheering him on and he can't wait for that dream to become a reality. He also sees you doing big things in your field, he always has such faith in you and he is always pushing you to achieve what he knows you can and when you get there you best bet he's going to be there too. 

E = Emotions (How do they express their emotions around you?)

Dominik is good at expressing his emotions especially with you. Most of the time he's not very serious and likes to have fun in life but he knows when he needs to be serious and he does it well. Sometimes the two of you argue like any normal couple but you are never mad at each other for long as Dom just can't stay mad at you and he always makes you crack too with his smile. Of course he will apologise for getting mad but then you two just joke about how stupid the fight was in the first place. Dominik being so lighthearted in life is always great too as you can get quite stressed about just life in general and he always cheers you up and helps you see the brighter side. 

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