Wearing his clothes- headcannon

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- You are always wearing his jerseys 

- It doesn't matter if you are going to the game in person or just watching from home he always wants you wearing his jersey with his name on the back 

- His absolute favourite thing is seeing you watching from the stands and knowing that you have his name written on the back of your shirt it gives him extra motivation to play well just for you and it's even better when you wear one that he's actually worn in a game not just a spare one he gave you 

- This all started when you flew out to watch the supercopa final and because it was a last minute trip you didn't pack much so Gavi gave you the jersey he wore in the semi finals to wear to the game and of course it was one of his best performances so now he wants you wearing his jersey every minute of every game to give him good luck 

- He likes to see you wearing his clothes in general because it shows others that you are taken and when he's with you everyone gets to see that you are his and no one else can have you 

- You wearing his clothes helps with his protective and jealous nature as he feels like he's marking his territory when you are wearing his clothes you can easily shut down any advances from anyone else without question 

"What are you wearing to the game?" He asked 

"One of your jerseys just not sure which one" you reply 

"Let me pick one" he says

"This one the first one I ever gave you we need the extra luck tonight and knowing you're wearing that will definitely spur me on" he says 

"Well if you want extra luck how about I wear one of your hoodies over the top it's going to be cold out" you say 

"You sure know the way to my heart" he smiles 


- You started wearing his clothes mostly to sleep in 

- It began when he was away for a while for the World Cup and you were feeling lonely so you stole one of his shirts to wear to bed as it made you feel closer to him even though he was so far away 

- You did it for a few nights until Pedri noticed while you were on FaceTime one night, to start with you get a bit shy about it but when he says he thinks it's cute you find getting caught less embarrassing 

- From then on you wear one of his shirts to bed every night and when he's home he will often pick one for you to wear so when you come out the shower you are greeted with one of his shirts laying on the bed for you ready to wear 

- When he knows he's going to be away for a few days he will pick a few shirts out for you and spray them with his cologne so that when you come to pick one they all smell like him as he knows you secretly love them more when they smell like him

- For a while you never wore his clothes out because there is far too many things you'd never want to be seen wearing but after some refining of his wardrobe to make his style a bit better you feel ok wearing his clothes out 

"Why are you getting rid of that I like that hoodie" he moans 

"Because it's ugly I can't steal this off you and leave the house or even look in a mirror so it's got to go" you reply 

"So the criteria is if you can wear it out" he questions

"You've got it now help me out" you say 

"But these are my clothes why can't I keep the things I like" he continues to complain 

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