Birthday boy- Pedri Gonzalez

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As Pedri's alarm went off I didn't want to open my eyes but then I remembered that it's his birthday and suddenly I was wide awake. Just like always Pedri snoozed his alarm which was perfect for me as it allowed me to sneak out of his bed and downstairs to make him some breakfast. For the last few weeks I've been planning out Pedri's birthday as it's the first one since we started dating. Pedri and I began dating in December last year so after his birthday and also mine but earlier this year Pedri went all out for my birthday and now I want to do something special for him. 

So that I didn't wake Pedri I tried my best to be quiet as I got everything out to make pancakes which he probably shouldn't have but it's his birthday which I think is a good excuse. I made pancakes when Pedri and I first started dating and he loved my recipe so I thought he'd enjoy them on his birthday. They also don't take too long to make so I managed to get enough for the both of us done in time for Pedri's alarm to go off again. Just as I opened the bedroom door again the alarm sounded and Pedri groaned knowing he had to actually wake up this time. I watched him reach across to my side of the bed and when he didn't feel me there me bolted upright to look around the room. 

"Good morning and happy birthday amor" I said to ease his panic 

"God you scared me I didn't know where you'd gone" he said still sounding slightly scared 

"I'm ok I promise I was making pancakes for you" I said coming to sit next to him in bed

"Thank you so much carino your pancakes are amazing" he said 

I handed Pedri his plate and we both sat in bed eating them which usually we would never do in fact we usually have a rule that we don't eat in bed whether that's his or mine but on special occasions the rule can be forgotten. Once we were finished I went to take the plates back downstairs but Pedri pulled me back into bed and brought me right to his chest. I rested my head on his chest as he moved me so I was laying on top of him which allowed us to be as close as physically possible. Neither of us said anything for a while as I just listened to Pedri's heartbeat and he played with my hair occasionally leaving kisses on the top of my head. 

We made the most of our time before Pedri had to get up and quickly shower before rushing off to training as we spent a bit too long cuddled in bed together. Once he had left I got up and headed back to the kitchen to start preparing for the surprise I have planned. When it was my birthday Pedri went all out and made it the best day so I want to do the same for him. Pedri organised a big party for me with all my friends but I know he would prefer a quieter night so that's what I have got planned. I have invited his family over for the evening and I'm going to make dinner for everyone. The hardest part of all of this was getting all the ingredients to Pedri's as we don't live together so I had to bring it all with me when I came over yesterday and then hide it without him seeing. Luckily I managed to do it now I just need to use all the ingredients.

The first thing I did was prep some things to make dinner but then I got out all the ingredients to make a cake as I really wanted to make something for Pedri and he likes everything else I have baked. I haven't made proper cakes very often but I have a good recipe so I got to it straight away putting in all the ingredients and added extra things I know Pedri will like. Once the mixture was ready I put it in two separate tins and then into the oven. While waiting for the cake I got started on blowing up some balloons as I can't let Pedri's birthday go by without decorating his house a little bit and by a little bit I mean a lot. By the time the cake was done I had put balloons nearly everywhere and hung up a little happy birthday banner. Once the cake was done I left it to cool for a bit before decorating it and putting it in the fridge so it didn't melt. 

By the time I'd done everything I needed to get changed as Pedri will be home soon and then his family will be coming over not long after that. When I unpacked my stuff yesterday Pedri saw the outfit I brought to wear tonight and he tried to ask questions about it but I didn't say much and luckily he just left it. I got a new dress a few weeks ago and haven't had a chance to wear it yet but I thought it was perfect for tonight. It's nothing fancy but it's a plain black dress that fits me perfectly so it's perfect for an occasion like this. I washed my hair last night so all I had to do was style it and put a bit of makeup on to make me look a bit more presentable. Just as I finished putting my makeup away I heard Pedri call my name from downstairs so I ran down the stairs to greet him with a big hug. 

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