First impressions- Pablo Gavi

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It's finally the day I've been worried about for the last 6 months. Today I'm finally going to meet my boyfriend Pablo's parents. We have been together for 6 nearly 7 months now which have been the best months of my life, Pablo is the nicest guy I've ever met and the best boyfriend somehow he just gets me which I think is how we get along so well. Although we've been together for a little while now I haven't met Pablo's parents as they still live back in Sevilla and he doesn't get to go back there often. There has been times that his parents have come to Barcelona but things just haven't worked out in terms of me meeting them but today that changes. Pablo has a few free days and so do I so he suggested we go on a road trip back to his hometown to visit his parents and I just couldn't say no. 

I have been nervous for this day since Pablo and I started dating but now that's it's been put off for so long I'm even more nervous than I was before. The reason I'm so nervous is because I'm not stupid I know how many girls are interested in Pablo and a lot of them for the wrong reasons and I'm petrified that his parents are going to think I'm one of those girls. I truly love Pablo and I see myself being with him for the rest of my life and I just want that to come across when I meet his parents. My biggest problem is I'm quite shy which means I get quite awkward when meeting new people and I don't want my awkwardness to make his parents think I'm not serious about my relationship with him. 

I stayed over at Pablo's place last night so we could get up early and start the drive whenever we were ready. All night he slept peacefully holding onto my waist while I laid awake thinking about all the ways having dinner with Pablo's parents tonight could go wrong which has only made me more nervous than I was before. Just as I got myself into another spiral Pablo's alarm went off and I felt him start to stir besides me until he was awake enough to turn off the alarm. As soon as the alarm was turned off Pablo grabbed my waist and turned me to face him before pressing gentle kisses all over my face which ended with a passionate kiss on my lips. Once he was finished giving me my morning kisses he properly opened his eyes and looked at me which made his smile drop slightly. I have been trying to hide my nerves from Pablo as I know he's excited to see his parents and I don't want to ruin that with my anxiety. 

"What's on your mind amor?" He asked pulling me closer if that was even possible 

"I'm just a bit nervous about meeting your parents that's all don't worry about me" I said holding back the full truth 

"You don't need to be nervous amor I know they will love you because I do plus how can anyone not love you" he said 

"Thank you Pablo that makes me feel a bit better" I said 

"I get why you're nervous I was nervous meeting or parents but if I can survive so can you because you have much more going for you in terms of impressing parents" he laughed 

"I'm no successful footballer though Pabs" I joked 

"No but you are in university getting a degree in an area I don't understand and not to mention you have a scholarship for being so smart my mum will love that" he said sincerely 

I so desperately want to believe Pablo but I just have a bad feeling about tonight which is so stupid as I'm sure it will all be fine but I can't shake that awful feeling. 

From the minute Pablo and I got out of bed we just didn't stop between getting ready and packing I had no time to think even for a second until we got in the car and even then I only had a minute when I was sat on my own before Pablo got in the car and we started the long drive. I was in charge of music for the first stint of the drive and I took that very seriously so while talking to Pablo I was curating the perfect playlist which I think is one of my skills although it's not useful in many situations. For the first few hours of the drive Pablo kept me talking and laughing so I wasn't thinking about tonight and then we stopped and I started driving which meant I had other things to concentrate on which was good for me. 

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