Fluff alphabet- Pedri Gonzalez

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A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about their partner?)

Physically Pedri loves your smile. Your smile was the first thing he noticed about you and it's what made him begin to fall for you. He always says that your smile lights up a room which isn't true but he likes to believe it is. Whenever he is having a bad day all he needs is to come home and be greeted by your smile for him to already feel slightly better. He makes it his life mission to keep you smiling as he hates seeing you without the smile that makes his day.

Personality wise Pedri loves how determined you are. Whenever you have a goal you will do whatever it takes to achieve it even if it involves many days of hard work and Pedri admires that about you. He is also a very determined person so when he sees you working so hard it motivates him even more to work towards his own goals. He loves seeing you achieve your goals too as it always makes you extra happy and he gets to see more of the smile he loves.

B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)

Family is everything to Pedri so of course he wants to start his own family with you in the future because he wants to have his own children to bond and create memories with. As much as he wants kids he knows that you are both too young to start a family now as you have many more things to do just the two of you before expanding your family. Despite that he still thinks about having kids quite a lot especially when you go and visit family who have kids all he can do is picture the two of you playing with your child one day. No matter how much he wants kids he will wait for you to be ready as he knows that it's a big decision for you.

C = Cuddle (How do they like to cuddle?)

Pedri isn't the most cuddly person but you have managed to convert him and now he likes to cuddle with you but he will never tell anyone that. Until he met you he thought cuddling was overrated and just kind of boring but once you convinced him to cuddle with you he realised he actually really liked it. His favourite way to cuddle is to have you laying on his chest as he can have his arms wrapped tightly around you so he feels as though he is protecting you. Cuddling with you relaxes him like he never thought it would and many times you have both fallen asleep cuddling on the sofa which has become Pedri's guilty pleasure.

D = Dreams (How do they picture their future with their S/O?)

He always pictures having a surprisingly normal life with you. Of course your life will never be that normal because he still wants to be playing football with Barcelona but every other element of your lives together he wants to be as normal as possible. He often thinks about the simple things such as nights on the sofa going from being just the two of you to your future family all sitting together with a film on. Even things like buying your forever home and decorating it together to make it your own take over his dreams instead of ideas of winning champions league trophies or world cups he always thinks about moments with you being his future.

E = Emotions (How do they express their emotions around you?)

Pedri is usually pretty good about expressing his emotions as he tells you everything which includes anything that is bothering him. He's not one to get overly angry very often he's just a very calm person so you never worry about him shouting at you after he has a bad day as he just doesn't do that. The one thing he can do is bottle up his stress sometimes when there's a lot going on he can just shut down and not tell you about how he's feeling but eventually he will break down and tell you everything. Those times pretty much always end with the both of you crying together but afterwards you both feel so much better and the Pedri you are used to has come back.

F = Feelings (When did they know they're in love?)

It took Pedri a little while to realise he was in love with you. He had completely fallen for you a while before he realised it because he had never felt like that for anyone else before so he tried to push away his feelings as he was scared of getting hurt. When he did realise he was in love with you it wasn't because of some big gesture or anything out of the ordinary. It happened one day when he came over to your place one evening after a late training session and when he arrived you got up from your position on the sofa to greet him with a smile and a hug straight away. Just you greeting him with a hug made him realise how deeply in love with you he was as in that moment he couldn't even imagine having that small interaction with anyone else other than you.

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