LB x Reader (50) / AP x Character (16) & JN x LW (9)

Start from the beginning

Alexia reluctantly broke her gaze with Ridley and turned to see Katie McCabe and Caitlin Foord making their way over. Their lunch seemed to be expanding again.

They greeted them all and ducked down near Blau to give her supportive hugs and words.

"We Aussies are built strong," Caitlin said proudly as she kissed her on the cheek a bit too hard. Blau winced as her jaw was still very much sore and bruised. "Sorry!"

"Where is tha bitch?" Katie asked Lucy.

"Currently? A Spanish prison. They're being flown back to England for the court date. Although it happened in Spain, their hearing will be here."

"And she's goin' away then?"

"Absolutely. She's not escaping it this time." Lucy's words were blunt and mad. Blau reached out to stroke her thigh as Lucy held Narla.

Alexia was never really the overly touchy type. She was similar to Lucy actually, though not as extreme, only appreciating hugs when they were warranted. Though every time she was near Ridley, she just wanted to be touching her, hugging her, pressed up against her. She could feel her body leaning towards her even at that moment. It made her wonder if her need for Ridley's touch was similar to Blau and Lucy's.

"You two know Alexia obviously," Lucy introduced. They each shared a Spanish welcome. She'd met them on several occasions and even played against them.

"Yeah, we lost against her," Caitlin laughed.

"What're ya doin' in London? Planning on joined Arsenal?"

Alexia chuckled. "Just for holiday."

"Ah. Your knee playin' up?"

"Little bit."

"We know a few good physios-"

"She's already meeting up with mine." Lucy interjected.

"Oh, she's really good!"

Lucy nodded proudly. "You've used her?"

"Oh yeah, plenty o times. She's a magician. And easy on the eyes."

Caitlin smacked her. Blau gestured to Ridley.

"And you remember me mentioning Ridley, right?"

They both turned to her. "Oh, the sexy one, right? I see what ya mean."

Caitlin rolled her eyes and introduced herself as a fellow Australian. And then Katie did.

"Hi, I'm Katie, nice to meet cha! And who's this little guy?!"

Alexia had to step back as they swarmed around Chiquito giving him more love and attention to enjoy.


"He looks young, no?"

"He's still just a baby."

"How's the hand?" Caitlin asked.

Ridley lifted her cast arm. "Healing."

"You flew a plane like that?"

"No, I won't be able to fly the big jets for a few weeks. I just like dressing up."

Alexia chuckled and shook her head. Ridley flashed her a wink.

"Did Leah confirm?" Blau asked Jordan.

Caitlin answered first. "She's coming and bringing Kyra, but Jonas wouldn't let us all leave too early. They're going to meet us at lunch. We'll give you three a lift."

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