Chapter 1

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Authors note:

Heyyy! This is actually my very first story so plz do not make fun of me ;-;

Something I would like to add is that the planets and sun are only in this story, so that means some characters will be left out to try and keep it simple and easy to keep track of.

Ex: Moons, dwarfs, earthlings, robots.

However, if this story does well or if I get a request for it I will make a separate story for them!

Another note is that the planets are like sort of the size of you but a bit smaller, like those red spheres outside of target basically

sooo.. I'm not quite sure what else to put here- ;-; Enjoy tho!

(TW: probably very cringe, you've been warned.)



My name is Y/N. I'm about fourteen years old, I'm 5'9, I weigh 130 pounds.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off on my phone, which I had uploaded it to make it my favorite song, (insert your favorite song). I groaned and hit the snooze button "Just five more minutes..." I thought to myself. However, five minutes had turned into twenty minutes, because what I didn't realize is that I forgot to plug in my phone, and it had died before the alarm went off. "Y/N!!!" my mother screamed "Get up! you are going to miss the bus!"

I quickly sat up in bed and looked up at the clock on the wall... OH NO! Only ten minutes before the bus comes! My mother stared daggers at me "Y/N I am NOT in the mood to drive you sleepy butt to school today! Get up before I give you a real reason to get up!" Almost as if being late for school wasn't a real reason to get up already, I darted out of bed, and grabbed my phone. I quickly put it on the charger while I got ready.

I threw on a black T-shirt with Saturn on it... well.. It actually used to be a long sleeve shirt but the long sleeves were torn off. I paired it with some black ripped jeans, and the boots I had just got from hot topic the other weekend. I quickly looked over at the vanity to see my fingerless gloves my grandma made for me, and put them on too. I took my phone off the charger and read the percent.. "15%" I silently prayed in my head that my friend brought her portable charger today. I put on my backpack and ran down the steps, my mother had set out a bowl of cereal for me, but I could hear the bus driving near. I quickly grabbed a granola bar and ran out of the house oblivious to the fact that I forgot my lunch.

I shivered in the winter cold as I ran to the bus stop across the block, and just barely made it. Then, I looked for somewhere to take a seat. I knew nobody would let me sit with them and so I sat by myself and whipped my sketchbook out to finish my latest masterpiece. It was a drawing... or basically poster for my room of my favorite show on YouTube, SolarBalls! It was a drawing of Venus, Mars, and Earth playing cards. Earth was laughing at Venus as he was raging since he wasn't winning, and Mars was happily looking at his cards. I giggled to myself at the humor of the drawing and the happiness I got from seeing it. A few of the kids in the seat behind me snickered mockingly, since I sort of get made fun of for liking it. But I didn't care. I carefully outlined my sketch with a black pen, I then erased everything I did before that was in pencil. I was about to color it with the markers I got for Christmas (If you aren't religious, you got them with your leftover birthday money) but the bus had made it to school. So, I put on my backpack and held my closed sketchbook to my chest as I walked into the boring grey building.

I was walking to my locker as I look around and see a few kids snickering and whispering to each other as they stared at me. I blushed a bit in embarrassment, but kept walking. I got to my locker and began to twist it 3 times to the left before I felt someone tug on the fabric handle of my backpack and slightly drag me over. My heart skipped a beat in shock as I looked up, and if it wasn't the one and only Becca. Becca used to be my friend back in grade school, but in 6th grade she really turned into a huge jerk after making friends with the popular girls and left me behind. "Hey." she said to me, smirking down at me mockingly. "what the hell do you want." I say, staring daggers back at her. "Oh, nothing." She gave me an evil grin "I just wanted to see what you were up to." I pulled away from her grasp and stood up on my two feet. "well, can you go away?" "hmm..." she chuckled "No, I don't think I will. In fact, I actually wanted to see a little something." I tilted my head like a confused dog, what in the world could SHE possibly want to see? Her disgusting hand reached out and grabbed my sketchbook and she opened up to the crisp page of my latest drawing that I had actually finished. (The drawing before the card drawing.)

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