74. Imminent Threats

Start from the beginning

"Berlin! Open up!" Quinn shouts, pounding against the door once more. " Open up, Berlin, we need to talk! I have a bargain!"

Arrow puts her hands to her ears, covering them slightly.

"Listen, the other night, things got out of hand. But there are bigger things at play and we can benefit from working together!" Quinn shouts. "We can help each other. It'll all be for the better."

Having had enough of Quinn's yelling, Arrow heads to her front door; stopping briefly to check her appearance. Making sure her eyes and teeth were in their normal state.

With a glance at her fingernails, Arrow takes a breath. Mentally reminding herself not to get worked up while in front of Quinn Brooks.

Placing her hard on the door's knob, she swings it open abruptly, effectively startling Quinn.

"You want me to believe that you want us to work together?" Arrow asks skeptically.

"Yes, is that so hard to believe?" Quinn responds.

"Yes, quite frankly. It is. I don't understand why you so badly want that you're back here again." Arrow responds, folding her arms.

"Because I think we could do more, and end this faster if we come together. You're looking into Vincent Rockwell for a reason, and he's on my list. We both want him, and he's hard to find, but if we put our resources together, we could make quick work of it all." Quinn replies.

"That simple is it? Is it all about Vincent Rockwell? Why do you want to find him? How are you so sure we want the same thing?" Arrow presses.

"Oh, please. It's obvious why else would you want to find Rockwell? He's linked to this drug mess. A mess us hunters need to clean up. We are hunters, Arrow. It shouldn't be this hard for us to agree to work together." Quinn goes on. "In fact. To show how much I'm willing to work with you for the greater good," Quinn pauses, heading to her car, opening the door's to the backseats.

Arrow watches her with suspicious eyes, her mind and body alert in case she tries to pull something. To her utter surprise, she watched Quinn help someone out of the car's backseat. Hardly awake himself, Quinn had to do most of the work, bringing him to her step. Placing him down with a loud huff as he groaned and mumbled in coherently.

Arrow leans over slightly to keep his body from toppling to the side as Quinn steps back from him. His head tilts back to look at her, his eyes wide and unfocused as he squinted at her face.

"Do...where's Dean?" He mumbles out softly.

"You can tell Straken his friend is free and unharmed, not a scratch on him... just a little drowsy," Quinn begins casually. "My methods may be extreme to some, but I'm not completely unreasonable, Arrow. And I'm a valuable partner to have on your side."

"You return someone you unjustly kidnapped and think that clears you? Makes me or Dean owe you something in return? You were wrong for taking him in the first place!" Arrow argues.

"Like I said, my methods may seem a little extreme, but I'm not a careless person. I knew what I was doing, and he was not harmed."

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