Lucy Bronze x Reader (49) & Alexia Putellas x Character (15)

Start from the beginning

"Perhaps. Regardless, offer rescinded."

Lucy huffed and sat back in her seat with a pout, Blau lacing fingers with her with a grin.

"I'm off to see my victims for the day. Blue, call me if you need me."

"Yes, mum."

Ridley walked away and grabbed her bag, again talking to the flight attendant and handing him a few things. Both Alexia and Blau found themselves leaning into the aisle to try and see what, but Ridley spun and winked, knowing they'd be curious, and they didn't catch a glimpse.

She understood what Jordan meant. She also felt a lot safer knowing that Ridley was there.

It was only a few minutes later when another announcement came through.

"Ladies and Gentleman, this is your Captain speaking. We now have a departure slot, and our chief pilot onboard with us. We will be starting up and pushing back in just over five minutes time. Again, apologies for the delay and cabin crew arm doors and cross-check."

"Fucking ridiculous!" Alexia heard a man's voice grunt in Catalan. She turned to see him up out of his seat and complaining to one of the flight attendants.

"Sir, please sit back down. We're starting up soon."

"I've never had a problem with this company before until today when we have a female first officer flying."

"First officer Rivera is a very skilled pilo-"

"I don't care, I want the man to fly. Go tell him."

Alexia couldn't believe it. But she also could. She'd been around sexism her whole life.

The cabin crew were unable to calm the man down and eventually one sighed and made their way to the flight deck. The man pushed his way up into first class and huffed impatiently.

To Alexia's surprise, the female pilot came out instead of the Captain. She tried to reason with him in Catalan, but he seemed to just be offended by the fact that they'd sent a woman out.

"Just go get me that chief pilot of yours. The fighter pilot. He'll be able to fly the fucking thing."

Obviously the man hadn't seen that Ridley was in fact, a female. To her credit, the first officer persisted politely. Alexia was turned and watching the conversation, about to jump in when Ridley arrived and lightly tapped the woman's shoulder, encouraging her to go back to the flight deck. She looked relieved but a little nervous.

Ridley leant in with a supportive smile. "It's okay, this isn't a part of your flight review. Head back and run your checklists."

Ridley watched her go, and Alexia felt a little pang of jealousy as she did so. She turned back and stepped forward towards the man, her hip level with Alexia's seat. She held a strong stance, arms behind her straight back, feet spread, and Alexia couldn't help but notice the muscles through her white shirt. God, she looked good in a black tie. So good she could feel herself getting a little excit-

Jordan let go of her hand and spun as the man started attacking her in Catalan. Alexia knew she wasn't as confident in the language and her heart strings pulled as she also turned to watch.

Ridley put one hand up in a gesture.

"Sir, I admit my Catalan is not good as yours so please, slow down, or choose another language. Spanish perhaps?"

She was doing so well to keep up with his quick speech and Alexia had to bite her tongue to not get involved.

He scoffed and continued to speak in Catalan. "You're not even Spanish. Where is the chief pilot? Who are you?"

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