27|that's entertainment.

Start from the beginning

'I'm in Leeds now though,' Freddie explained following up on a story they were telling Martha about school. 'This is home though.'

'Ain't it just.' Rob agreed. Rachel was sitting with them now, and after looking around to see who was near, he leaned in. 'Why's Orla here?'

Martha didn't really know where she stood in the conversation, she didn't know what to say or do because she'd never even spoken to the girl. It felt wrong to judge her without forming her own opinion, but she didn't feel like she could do that because it would be strange for Martha to introduce herself.

There were so many of them tonight though, everyone's families, friends, a whole reunion that took up a whole quarter of the pub. It meant they could talk without some people hearing, and Rob jumped on the opportunity the second he could.

'I don't know,' Rachel sighed, looking at Martha. 'She's the only one of us that didn't leave for uni or college. She used to be my best friend until I moved to Liverpool and she fell out with me because I had to her friends but...no hard feelings you know, it's a shame I guess but-'

'She's a bitch.' Rob said, to which Martha and Rachel both raised their brows. 'What? I reckon it's just to prove a point to Eli.'

'Maybe, I don't know, I wouldn't stress though Martha she's not...I don't know.' Rachel shrugged. 'We've got your back anyway, in case shit goes down. It probably won't but, we've got you.'

'Thanks,' Martha smiled.

'Pack it in yous, scaring the poor girl for nothing.' Freddie laughed.

'Nah Martha you'll actually be fine,' Rob told her. Simone came to sit next to him, said her hello's for the evening and got filled in on the current conversation. 'Simone, they're all being dramatic though.'

'Yeah you mate.' Freddie laughed.

'Don't be an arsehole.' Simone chuckled, nudging Rob. 'Is she a bitch though?'

'Simone,' Martha shook her head, laughing slightly.

'Yeah,' Rob said.

'You two are so horrible.' Martha said.

'You're so nice about your boyfriends ex,' Rachel added, 'god I need to take some tips I wish I was that big of a person.'

'You don't even have a boyfriend.' Freddie said.

'Oh my god, shut up Freddie.'

One of Eli's sisters arrived, went straight for Martha and Eli barely even noticed that she got here until he looked over to see that Martha was alright. He didn't introduce though, he just smiled and raised his glass with a proud look on his face from across the bar.

He was having a good night, talking to all his school friends and everyone's families, all whilst Martha was right by his side. Just seeing her sat with his sister and his friends he's known his whole life ha ethisch funny feeling growing in the depths of his chest. Everybody loved Martha, he knew they would though, how couldn't they.

Almost everyone he spoke to congratulated him on the music and the gig, but then said how fond they were of Martha. She never gives herself the credit because she doesn't see herself as a confident person who's at the heart of many conversations, but everybody was so fond of Martha. It was why Eli got so close with her to begin with, because she just has that nature about her that everybody falls in love with right away.

'You alright?' Eli asked, placing a drink down in front of Martha. He was going up to the bar anyway and noticed she didn't have one.

'Yeah, thanks.' She smiled, shimmying over so he could sit next to her.

in my sleep | elijah hewsonWhere stories live. Discover now