Lucy Bronze x Reader (47) & Alexia Putellas x Character (13)

Start from the beginning

"Alexia, call for ambulance and police." She directed, not wanting her to get involved in the brutality. She didn't look at Alexia who was knelt next to Blue with Lucy. Her attention was on Kristie. She stood over her and grabbed the string of her hoody, pulling it out and expertly flipped her onto her stomach, her ankle on the back of her neck to hold it down while she straddled her back and tied her hands together quickly behind her back. She was screaming and wriggling but she didn't take notice. Her attention was back on the man who was now standing again. She made the mistake of looking at her Blue who was now sitting up, slumped in Lucy's arms, her face covered in blood and swollen from too many hits. She was crying, her eyes squeezed closed as she tried to fight with the pain. Her little Blue.

She saw red and ran at the man.

"You fucking bi-"

He didn't finish his sentence before she'd rugby tackled him with such violence that they both hit the bitumen with a crunch, Ridley landing on top. She sat up and all she could think about was killing him. Her fist hit his face and when he shielded that, she hit his arms shielding his face. Again. And again. And again.


*Her dad holding her little body against the wall, a man who was five times her size, and slamming his fist into the drywall beside her head to intimidate her while she stared up at him with those big blue eyes, lips trembling.*

And again.

"Ridley, stop!" Lucy yelled.

*Him crashing into her room and slapping her across the face with most of his strength because she was giggling too loud with Ridley at their sleepover.*

And again.

"Riddles..." came a weak voice. Ridley paused, sweating, her fist raised.

She looked down at the man. She wanted to kill him. She wanted him dead. The lowest form of fucking human, to ever hurt someone so innocent.

A soft palm touched her cheek. "It's done." Alexia said softly in Spanish. "She's safe. You're only hurting yourself now..."

"I don't care if I hurt myself as long as I hurt him," she snapped, raising her fist higher to strike again. She was fighting with herself.

"I care if you hurt you."

"I have so much anger!" She growled, looking up into those hazel eyes. "Tell me where to put the anger."

"Right here. I'll take it." She took Ridley's raise fist and pried it open, resting it over her heart. Ridley took a deep breath, shaking her head a little and Alexia could tell it wasn't working. She needed something else. What else could possibly counteract Ridley's anger than her need to protect? She took her hand again and moved it up to her throat and Ridley's pupils dilated, her lips parting as she searched in Alexia's eyes for a bluff. She didn't find one, however, because she wasn't bluffing. Ridley squeezed her hand tight around her throat, Alexia letting her. Ridley felt her anger seeping away in every single second she squeezed, and the look of complete and utter trust on Alexia's face almost broke her. She didn't try to stop her. She trusted her. She knew she'd never hurt her.

Ridley's forehead found Alexia's as her grip loosened.

"Alexia," she murmured, bewildered as her hand softly trailed it's way back down to sit above her heart. Alexia's heart. She could feel it beating faster, trying to make up for the oxygen it was just deprived of. Alexia had taken the burden of her anger.

"Ridley..." Alexia whispered a little breathlessly in response.

"Ridley!" Lucy yelled.

Ridley snapped from her stupor, spinning to where Lucy was holding Blue. She looked back down at the man who was too injured to move and then to Kristie who was wriggling but still tied down and unable to stand before she was by their side.

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