Noticing his disappointment, Eben leans into Adder's side. "I can't change that. That's a different kind of magic..."

"I know. I'll just keep my eyes closed, like always."

"You'll have to hold onto me while we're in the village. Humans can't get around blind like gorgons can."

Adder leans his head onto Eben's, taking hold of the half-elf's arm. "I have no qualms with that at all."

Eben snickers, leading Adder and Merlyn outside. They load up into the cart together before Eben urges Fairy forward, the dappled mare merrily trotting through the sunny yellow flowers that dot the path. Adder observes the forest as they head toward Naedre Tor. They're going a roundabout way, intending to enter through the front of the village instead of the back. Looking down, he notices Merlyn is also watching the forest scenery blaze by, verdant hues of green flashing as Eben speeds through the forest. Adder laughs as she spreads her wings, trilling loudly as the fresh spring air rushes through her feathers.

"Wanna fly, little bird?"

Merlyn screeches with joy as Adder lifts her up, holding her firmly above himself. Her wings tremble with excitement, flapping wildly. Eben smirks at the scene, snapping his fingers. Merlyn lifts into the air with a shimmer of magic as Eben hands over the reins to Adder.

"Be careful, Eben!" Adder scolds.

"I've got her, don't worry."

Eben flicks his hand and Merlyn soars higher above them. She stretches her wings wide, taking to flight without a single shred of fear. The sight of her soaring through the sky, assisted by magic, is etheric. Her auburn hair dances in the wind, sun bouncing off rosy red cheeks as she twirls and dives.

Adder looks away, attempting to focus on the path ahead instead. It's a confusing feeling—this longing and pain; how his heart begs to see her soar through the sky just like this, soar to greater heights than even magic could permit her. But he knows once she does, he can't follow her.

As they approach the gates to Naedre Tor, Eben lowers Merlyn back to his arms. The path goes from dirt to neatly laid cobblestone, leading up to the massive entrance to the village. But it's not unguarded as Adder hoped. At the gate is Daisy in her massive wolf form, icy blue eyes narrowed as the cart of disguised monsters approaches.

He halts the cart as she lumbers forward, Fern confidently astride her back. The vampire is clad in elegant pink and green silks, her burning red eyes complimented by beautiful lavender heliotropes lovingly braided into her dark curly hair. Similarly, Daisy wears an ornate wooden collar with azure blue forget-me-not's, pink peonies, and, of course, bright yellow daisies.

However, Adder cannot open his eyes to admire the scene. Instead, his heart beats wildly as a sandy snout prods him. It sniffs his face before going lower, toward his tail. Adder jolts, moving his tail away. Daisy's eyes narrow, darting to his face. Adder begins to panic, contemplating what he will do once she alerts Fern they're not human. He will have to explain his hare-brained scheme, apologize, return home in shame—

Daisy gives a "boof!" her tail wagging lazily as her tongue lolls out and licks Adder affectionately.

"Welcome to Naedre Tor, Travelers! Are you here to join the worshippers of Giakora for Koranalia?" Fern says.

Slipping into old habits, Eben immediately takes over with his silver tongue. "We are. We're thinking of converting."

Fern smiles, none the wiser. "Wonderful! As I'm sure you've noticed, Giakora extends her love to even the inhuman in this village. Please keep that in mind during your stay."

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