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Many moons later:

"Knock, knock.."

A tapping came at Frances's door as the little witch was just putting away the rest of her herbs and spices. She smiled as Josette poked her head inside.

"Are you and Eliza coming tonight?"

Frances nodded, "I wouldn't miss the full moon and I know you won't."

Josette stepped into the cottage and leaned over the crib where Eliza slept peacefully, her white hair shimmering in the light, "She looks..."

"Like her father," Frances said, "I know. Every day she looks more like him, too."

Josette stroked Eliza's cheek and nodded, "You're a good mother, Frances. I'm so sorry about Emmanuel. I know I say that a lot, but I truly mean it."

Frances swallowed hard. She tried to be strong for her daughter, but it had been pure hell to lose Emmanuel. Always the optimist, Frances pushed on, even when Devonia and the others had told her it was alright that she took some time for herself and her baby.

She often thought about the short time she'd had with Emmanuel and whether or not he could make it to her in her dreams as her parents did so many times, but he never showed himself. It was hard to grieve when she was exhausted from pregnancy and then having an infant.

Frances had asked Devonia if they could try to contact him, but it was dangerous to do so she let it go and pined for him always.

Thomas and Samuel gave her Emmanuel's instruments and other items so they could be passed down to Eliza. Her uncles visited the little one often—even being present when their niece was born.

They'd hoped Emmanuel would have survived Lucien, but he didn't. To see the overwhelming sadness and defeat spread through Frances like a wildfire was like watching their brother die over and over again.

They didn't stray too far, though. Frances and little Eliza had become a true family to them.

Cooing could be heard from Eliza's little crib. Frances smiled as she made her way to the little one who had her father's eyes.

Staring up at her mother, Eliza smiled, drool escaping her pouty little mouth.

"Are you ready for the full moon, my darling?" She asked, scooping the infant into her arms and cradling her to her bosom, "Your father would be so proud that you rolled over today. I know I am!"

"But you are so hungry right now, aren't you? Mama can tell," Frances settled in the rocking chair she'd brought from the cottage in Golden Top and fed Eliza, gazing down at her sweet child as tears streamed down the little witch's cheeks,"Oh, I wish your father could be here to see you just one time. "

Frances bathed her daughter and dressed her in a cute little yellow sundress, putting a big bow in her hair.

"I bet your daddy would laugh at me for dressing you up so much, but I can't help it, " Frances shuddered, "You're all I have.."

A knock came at the door, followed by the sound of Robert's calming voice.

"Are my ladies ready for the festivities?"

"Just one moment, Bob! " Frances called, placing ribbons in her hair as she took one last look at herself in the mirror and headed out to see Bob in a suit.

"Don't you look dashing!"

Robert smiled, "And you're both as lovely as always. "

The three made their way to the center of the village where packs of wolves and other covens, fairy families, familiars, and even some centaurs were gathered for the full moon.

"It's quite alright if you go and mingle, Bob," Frances said, settling on a nearby log with Eliza in her lap, "We'll make our rounds soon."

Robert glanced at her with love and adoration in his heart. Placing a hand on hers, Robert smiled.

"He's always with you, my lady."

Gazing down at Eliza, both of them agreed: a part of Emmanuel would always be with her.

As the party got underway, people danced and sang, drank and ate from the largest buffet Frances has ever seen.

She nibbled a little and let Eliza suckle on some cantaloupe, gumming the food with all of her might.

"Oh, she's such a sweetheart!" Ruth said in awe as she chanced upon Frances and Eliza at one of the bonfires, "How are you tonight, my sister?"

Frances shrugged, "I'm going to be alright, Ruthie. Thank you for being so good to me."

As the full moon settled high in the sky, the wolves shifted and ran with their packs, rushing though the woods and coming by to allow the children like Eliza to "pet" them.

Eliza giggled and yawned, her little chunky fingers grasping for the hairs on Cecil's back.

Cecil nudged against Frances and took off as the crowd drew nearer to the stage where Kurt Downey was going to make a speech about unity and the villagers in the Light Forest.

"We all know the bond that the woodlanders share and we have stood strong in the face of evil. We've, -"

He stopped abruptly as Frances and Eliza stood in the back, Frances too short to see over the tall ones in the crowd.

"Oh my gods... "

Hushed whispers and the stares of others back at Frances and her baby made Frances very uncomfortable.

She backed away slowly, holding Eliza even closer to her chest.

"It can't be!"

"Is it really?"

"Back from where? Where did.."

Everyone was looking passed her now as Frances slammed into something warm and hard.

Eliza giggled at whatever was behind them and reached out as if the little girl was desperate to leave her mother's arms.

Frances whirled around, her eyes growing as wide as saucers, heart racing and her breath hitching.

Eliza hiccuped, her cooing and wiggling to get free made sense now as she stared back into the dark eyes that were just as exquisite as hers.

"Dada... "

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