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"I could stay here forever," Frances smiled, "What about you?"

Emmanuel nodded, turning her body so she faced him, "You're a beautiful woman, Frances. I could spend my days looking at you."

"Is there no way for you to do that now?" She asked.

"I don't know what you want from me, sweet pea," Emmanuel answered, "I know you think this will end well, but it won't.."

"But I don't want to have children with a man I don't love!"Frances sobbed, "I want to have..."

Emmanuel stroked her cheek, gently.

"Children with me?"

Frances averted his gaze, embarrassed now that she'd spoken up at all.

"You only think you like me like this, sweet pea," he told her, "I promise,-"

"Don't make promises you can't keep," Frances warned, "I am falling in love with you and I know you feel the same. I know you felt something between us the day the caravan came through and you can't deny it. That's why you chose me."

Emmanuel couldn't deny those feelings. He had felt something alerting him to Frances, but he thought it was just lust or doing his father's bidding.

"Frances.." Emmanuel had been in a rut for so long, luring women into his bed, his father's bed—making enemies throughout the Shadow Realm just because he'd been taught to—trained at the highest capacity to do his worst.


He looked deep into her soul—he knew what he wanted and there was no denying it.

"You've had me for a while, sweet pea."

Frances smiled, "I know.."

"I am not at all sure what I can do about it, though."

"I am not promised to your father. I am a gift that you haven't given away yet," Frances reminded him, "Don't give me away to him."

Emmanuel pulled her closer to him. He'd never been in love until now. Sure, he'd had plenty of partners, wonderful sex to last a lifetime, but this was different.

This was love.

"Fine," he smiled, "You will not go to my father."

Frances curled into him even further, her body craving more from him.

"We have plenty of time for that," he chuckled when she reached between them to grab his cock, "I want you rested. I rode you well last night."

Frances blushed, "When can we do that again?"

Emmanuel laughed and scooped her into his arms so she could straddle him.

"Are you sure this is what you want?"

Frances bit her bottom lip and lifted up, slightly, taking her hand and guiding Emmanuel's hard cock inside of her. It took her a while to adjust as he stretched her wide, but she slowly eased her way down, whimpers escaping her as she took all of him.

"I am not a good man, Frances," Emmanuel said as he watched her ride him with pure bliss spread across her face, "But I want to be..I don't know how to live life the way you do."

"I want to teach you how.." Frances gasped, her hands settling on his stomach for balance, "You've always been good—you just didn't see it."

Emmanuel didn't believe her at that moment, but he felt whole with her—complete and he'd never felt that way.

How they were going to work out was beyond him, though.

He reached up and kneaded her breasts, molding them together—watching as her resistance to him crumbled completely. He needed her—and for some reason, she needed him, too.

"Oh, Manny...yes..." She giggled when Emmanuel began thrusting his hips up to match her rhythm, "Yes...yes...yes!!"

"Gods, you feel like I could stay buried inside of you forever, Frances.." Emmanuel grunted, gritting his teeth as his eyes blackened. He was so emotionally spent that even his body was responding.

"Your eyes.." Frances gasped, "Are you alright?"

"It's half of who I am, sweetheart," he told her, "I'm's my inner demon."

He looked up to see her eyes turning to a gold then back to their brown, " can do this, too?"

"Only when we're.." Before she could say anything else, Emmanuel thrust inside of her one more time and came inside of her tight channel, moaning as Frances reached her peak, milking his orgasm to the brink.

"Only when you're what?"

Frances shuddered on top of him, her release still taking hold.

"Some witches can...we can change colors when we're very emotional, fighting, or..."

"Or what?" Emmanuel asked as he slowly lifted her off of him, "Or what?"

"Or ovulating.."

Emmanuel swallowed hard. What would that be like for her to have his child? She was a witch so she could take the labor and delivery, but it would be so hard on her little body.

Flopping down next to him, she spoke up.

"I've been taking my tea so we're fine."

Emmanuel smiled at the prospect of having her swollen with his baby.

"You've no idea the things I've done, Frances...things I wish I could take back..people I've hurt or hate that's filled my life. My own father is a menace to even his children—we're simply used as soldiers for his debauchery."

"I know what incubi are capable of, Manny—I am sure you regret many of your wrongdoings. You can change for the better, I know it."

He wanted to tell her he was so willing to try—so willing to be that man for her, but what did she really know about his past? Would it leak into his future? Would he lose her because of his temptations and sick ways?

"The next few weeks are going to be just about us," Emmanuel said, "I won't take us back to my village—I will take you back to yours and then I will come for you, sweet pea."

Frances smiled at him, "I love you.."

He kissed her softly on the forehead and nodded.

"I love you, too..

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