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Emmanuel felt his cock twitch.

Of course she wanted him—he wanted her, too.

What would these next two weeks bring them? Her incessant talking was only getting on his nerves until she stopped and it was too quiet.

He was left with his thoughts and he didn't like it—especially when Frances fell asleep leaned up against him, letting it out little coos and giggles in her sleep.

He felt the need—the urge and longing—to wake her up so she would talk to him, but he also didn't want to interrupt her slumber. Her sleep was necessary.

When they arrived at the cottage, Frances was still out so Emmanuel carried her in and placed her into his bed. Studying her for a moment, he really took in her beauty. His father would have so much fun with her before he took her life.

Turning away, he felt her take his hand.

"Thank you for getting us here, Manny..." she smiled up at him and all he could think about was how she'd look underneath him, his cock thrusting in and out of her. Would she smile up at him with that crooked little smile of hers when they were,-

"You're welcome, sweet pea," Emmanuel answered, "You can rest while I get in the items."

Frances shook her head, "No, please let me help. With all you've done for me it's the least I can do."

With all he's done for her? Taken her from her home, putting her in danger and now? Now he was just waiting for his father's call.

They carried in the items, both chatting away about anything and nothing at all.

"This is a lovely place!" Frances said as she placed some items on their bed, "When did you get it?"

"It was my mother's.."

"Oh, Manny—that's so nice to still have something of hers."

"My father put her here until she had me...." Emmanuel began, but trailed off, "Have you ever been fishing?"

"Once or twice, yes," Frances nodded, "I am not good at it, but I like the serenity of sitting next to or in the water."

"If you're not too tired, maybe we'll go in a while," Emmanuel told her, "Fish is alright for dinner?"

Frances nodded, "I am not picky so it's completely fine."

He set up her crafting station in the guest room and studied how much firewood he had for the fireplace and the little campfires they'd set up later on.

"I need more wood. Come with me," he commanded.

"I can stay here and watch the place. I'm not going anywhere, I promise."

Emmanuel shook his head, "It's not you I'm worried about—it's anyone else who might be waiting to snatch you away from me."

France smiled, "I trust you."

Emmanuel sighed. Of course, what choice did she have but to do so?

Getting the firewood was easy, but Frances kept watching him. He was a beautiful sight to behold. His muscles and overall stature would make any woman's mouth water and the way his eyes penetrated her soul...her core fluttered just thinking about how he looked at her—how she wanted him to look at her.

"I think that's enough for tonight," Emmanuel wiped the sweat off his brow as Frances tried to steady the wheelbarrow she was gripping, "I've got it, sweet pea."

He took over for Frances who strolled beside him along the path.

"What was your mother's name?"

"Andrea. She was from somewhere in the Outer Realm—Ireland, I think."

"Oh..I don't think I've heard of an..Ireland. Sounds lovely."

"I hear it's quite breathtaking."

"Can we slip out of the Inner Realm?"

"The Outer Realm isn't meant for us, Frances. We're safer here," he hated himself for saying that last line. How could he say such a thing when she was bound for death?

"I can't wait for the shower!" Frances said, blatantly ignoring what he'd said. Of course she wasn't going to be negative about her situation—it wasn't like her to be.

They were quiet most of the afternoon. Frances did some crafts and Emmanuel slept, dreaming of her for some reason. It was a wonderful dream—a dream where she was happy and yet so was he.

They went down to the river and caught some trout. Frances was even quiet then—taking in the scenery around them as the peaks of Golden Top loomed overhead.

"I love it here," Frances whispered, "I can see why anyone would want to stay. It's magestic and peaceful."

"When do you want to head out?" Frances asked as night fell upon them.

"Soon," Emmanuel told her, "Let me go get a fire started and when can take some blankets out."

"I'll get the marshmallows!" Frances said as she tidied up their dinner table, "Hey, where did you get the wine?"

"I bought it at the store when you weren't looking," Emmanuel smirked, "If you're interested, we'll finish off the whole bottle tonight."

Frances smiled up at him, "I'd like that...I don't drink much, but.."

"It'll take your mind off of things, Frances," Emmanuel told her as they headed out. He built a fire and she set up the bedding and wine, plus the skewers and marshmallows.

Settling in, the two talked about what their families were like.

"I have some bad, bad relatives, Frances," he said, "But I do have a deep connection with Thomas and Samuel."

"I know you do," Frances said, nibbling on her marshmallow, "They love you."

Emmanuel scoffed, "Love.."

"Demons love, too," Frances said, "I know you love them. I know you love your mother."

"I don't hear you say that about my father."

"I don't think you love him as much as you think you do."

"What about you? Why are you almost happy about death, Frances? I don't understand."

Frances tossed her skewer to the side once she finished her last marsmallow and laid down on the blanket to watch the shower.

"Because death is something I don't fear," she looked at him as he lay down next to her, catching her gaze, "I get to see my parents again when I die so why should I be upset about it?"

That struck Emmanuel's heart—nearly breaking it. Why did he have to choose her?Why did they have to cross paths months ago after the Undead War in the middle of that forest?

"You're too good, Frances," he said, "I.."

"Shh," Frances said, inching closer to him and taking his hand as they watched the meteors float across the night sky, "Just enjoy the time we have together."

Emmanuel didn't watch the sky, though. He watched her and he couldn't help but wonder what life would be like if she was his companion...his mate...the mother of his children...

For the first time in a long time, a smile spread across Emmanuel's face as he thought about spending his life with her.

Was that even a possibility?

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