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Emmanuel and Frances talked for some time about their different interests, both of them figuring out how much they had in common.

"Will you play any music for me?" Frances yawned,"I won't make you play all of the time–just most of the time."

Emmanuel nodded, smiling, "If that's what you wish then I will."

For some reason, he wanted to please Frances... in more ways than one.

He liked playing his music–it was something he was good at.

Frances smiled, "Good! I took forever lugging your equipment out of your cottage! I'm incredibly excited to hear you play."

Within a few minutes, Frances had yawned for the last time and fell into a deep sleep in Emmanuel's arms.

Emmanuel knew they were being watched, but he waited until Frances was secure until headed into the neck of the forest to investigate.

"I can assure whoever is there you do not want to fuck with me."


"Samuel?" Emmanuel glimpsed his brother, "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I've come with Thomas to alert you of some change in plans regarding your ward. Father isn't planning on killing her, he's planning on breeding her. "

"What?" Emmanuel stiffened,"Why? When did these plans come to pass?"

Thomas stepped forward," He sent some soldiers to tell us and you know why, brother. He wants his incubi army to grow. We told him we were going out to get him more women so he's no idea we're here. "

Emmanuel seethed. His father hadn't done any breeding since his youngest siblings and that was years before.

"Why are you warning me?"

"Come now!" Samuel chuckled,"She's a pretty little witch, Emmanuel. Maybe it's time you realize we're not like a lot of our siblings. "

Emmanuel rolled his eyes,"I've no idea what you mean."

"Are you going to take her to him, Emmanuel? Are you going to let him fuck her and take his child as she dies birthing an incubi just like our mothers? "

Emmanuel knew not if this was a trap manifested by his brothers, but he took the warning and bid them adieu.

He raced back to Frances who was still asleep on their blanket. She was so gorgeous curled up into a tiny ball, an infinite smile spread across her face.

What the hell was he supposed to do now?

He didn't want her to suffer, to die at the hands of anyone much less his father, but to know he was going to breed her? To take her womanhood against her wishes and simply watch her die? All because of his power hungry, warmongering.

"Frances?" He slid his arms underneath her and scooped her into his hold, taking her into the warm cottage before nestling her into their bed, heading back out to gather their items and put out the fire.

"Manny?" She smiled up at him as he took off her boots and tossed them onto the floor, "You look concerned.. What has happened? Are you well?"

Always thinking of others, Emmanuel thought to himself.

"No, I am not well– not mentally."

"What's happening?" Frances asked, sitting straight up in the bed as she watched Emmanuel undress. She did the same, right down to her bare skin.

Emmanuel watched her as she did so.

"You're too much, sweet pea," he growled, crawling into bed next to her, "I've heard some news that changes a few things, but I am not sure how to tell you."

"What is it? You can tell me anything, Manny, " Frances told him as they cuddled together. That seemed to be one of their favorite things to do.

"My father doesn't want to kill you, not with his bare hands or magic or anything else... "

Frances perked up,"That's wonderful news! "

"No, well, yes and no... "

Emmanuel held her closer. She had such an effect on him that he knew exactly what had to be done, but could he do it?

Frances frowned, "What do you mean?"

Emmanuel swallowed hard and began telling her the changes his father might have made.

"He wants to breed with you."

Frances was quiet.. too quiet. This was the only time she'd really not had a reply for anything.

"Sweet pea?"

Frances shivered, "He wants.. he wants me to have his child?"

Emmanuel nodded,"And you will most likely die. If you don't, he will keep breeding with you until there's nothing left of you... you will be a shell of a person if you even live after what he does to his women.. "

Frances jumped out of the bed. This was only the second time he'd really seen her frazzled.

"Please don't let him do this to me! Please!!!"

Emmanuel got out of bed and grabbed her, wrapping his arms around her protectively. She felt right in his arms and they both knew it. Everything about them felt completely different than anything they'd ever felt.

"Manny... don't do this to me.. you can stop this.." Frances cried, her strength crumbling.

Emmanuel was so conflicted. He wanted to please his father, but...

But he wanted Frances more– she had taken him by surprise with her happiness and joy. Something fluttered inside of him whenever she even looked his way.

"I'll make up my mind when father calls for us," Emmanuel told her, even though it was evident to him what he needed to do, "And, whether or not this makes a difference I don't know, but it is no longer a virgin sacrifice."

Frances lifted her head and gazed up at him,"Wh-what do you mean? I don't understand any of this, Manny!"

"It means I can make sweet love to you--if you'll have me.."

Desires of a DemonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ