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"It's a nice thought," Emmanuel told her.

"Yeah, but I wouldn't be here if I had my powers and you know it," Frances told him, "I am a powerful witch. How were you able to swipe that away from me?"

"Dark arts."

Frances shuddered. She didn't like the fact that he'd used that on her, but there was nothing she could do about it now.

"Don't try to escape me, either. The death you'll have during the ritual will be painful, but I don't guarantee that anyone would treat you any better."

"I only want to be here with you, Manny. I won't try to escape. I wouldn't know where to go," Frances curled up into his side, "You won't send me away yet, will you? They won't come for me yet?"

Emmanuel stroked her hand that had landed on his stomach.

"No, no one is going to come for you," he said, "I have to deliver you."

"OK.." Frances said, "Oh look! A bunch of them are coming now!"

She pointed up towards the night sky as they lay there together beneath the stars.

"I wonder who else is watching this," she said, "I know my sisters are—Josette and Keira especially. They love these showers."

"My brothers might be," Emmanuel told her, "They're...interested in this stuff."

"Can you imagine what's out there? What do you think?"


"There's light, too."

"Sure there is.."

"Stop being so pessimistic."

"I'm a realist."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Not sure I'll give you the answer you're looking for, but go ahead."

"Have you ever been in love?"

"What? No."



"No, but I always wanted to be in love. You were my first kiss."

"I know.."

"Was I OK? Did I taste OK?"

"Of course you did," Emmanuel told her, "I wouldn't have wanted to do it again if you didn't."

"Can you do it again?"

Emmanuel rolled over to face her and leaned in to take her lips. She moaned into him—which is exactly what he wanted—what he expected.

"You're really good at that," Frances smiled as she pulled away.

"I'm the only one you've kissed so how would you know?"

"Because it feels nice," Frances told him, "It makes me feel wanted."

"Trust me, you are wanted."

They stared into each other's eyes for the longest time until Frances yawned.

"Let's get you in the bath and in the bed," Emmanuel said as he sat up, taking Frances with him. She didn't even protest when he picked her up and carried her into the cottage. She'd gotten so used to it by then that it just felt normal.

"Join me," Frances said as Emmanuel filled the large claw tub in the corner of the room, "Please?"

Emmanuel sighed, "I don't think that's a good idea. We've..."

"We won't do anything but bathe," Frances promised, "You said we couldn't anyway."

Emmanuel nodded, "That I did, but you're tempting and I don't know how much more I can handle."

"Did you think this through before you captured me?"

He frowned, "No..yes..actually I did, but you've bewitched me, I suppose. I've never taken my women anywhere except for my bed or maybe a romp in the woods. I especially don't take those I've kidnapped on vacation before I throw them to my father and it's taking every fiber in me to not toss you onto the bed and pound into you so hard that you won't be able to walk for days. It's...not what I'm used to."

Frances was already sitting in the steamy water when Emmanuel found himself joining her, their oils and soaps filling the tub with an exhilarating fragrance.

"I don't know if I even want to give you to my father, but I have no choice."

"Why's that?"

"He expects it—he expects us to provide for him or face consequences."

"What consequences?"

Emmanuel poured water over Frances's head and lathered her, washing her hair as gently as he could.

"He's killed my siblings before because they didn't comply—or if I didn't. I learned my lesson a long time ago not to try and provoke him."

"I am so sorry he's done this to you," Frances said as Emmanuel rinsed the suds out of her hair, "Don't you think there are enough of you to stand up to him? My sisters and I could help you! You know you're not like them no matter what you've done! I know what you've done—what you've had to do and what he's put you through. You've got to figure out a way to take him down—and his soldiers."

Emmanuel shook his head, "He's got so many people behind him...too many soldiers who are willing to die for the evil ways of my people. They are blinded by hate and wrongdoings."

"But the King and Queen! Surely, they will do something. We could get them to come with their army,-"

"Augustus and Esther won't get involved right now anyway...They would if they knew I had you, of course, but you're not going to tell them. I know you—you won't risk their lives for yours."

The more he talked to her—the more he touched her and the way she reacted to his touch—caused him pain—his heart was hurting, but it wasn't a dull ache like when his siblings had been slaughtered.

Actually, it was like losing someone—he didn't want to lose her and something in her eyes told him she didn't want to lose him, either—even if death meant she'd never be pained again. Life was cruel and he was so conflicted, but Frances wasn't. She knew what she wanted and she wanted him. She wanted the incubi who was caressing her wet body with his hands, roaming her curves as if memorizing what she felt like.

"There's no escaping heartache, Frances..."

Desires of a DemonWhere stories live. Discover now