Constant Craving

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"Be— can't. I took all of that from you," Emmanuel protested, "Just...why did I have to pick you?"

Frances frowned, "Why did you pick me?"

Emmanuel sighed and stepped back, taking her with him as they headed onto another path. He didn't just choose her at random—he studied her for a time. She was what his father craved—innocent, pure, gorgeous.

"I guess I needed you to be the best choice for my father's craving."

"And he likes witches like me?"

"He likes women like you, yes. Doesn't matter if you're a witch or not."

"And what about you? What do you like?"

"This isn't about me," Emmanuel told her, "No more talking."

Frances huffed, but did as she was told. Emmanuel kept hold of her hand most of the way until they reached another house.

"Is this another sibling?"

"This is Thomas so I'd advise you not to say anything at all while we're here. He's more of an asshole than Samuel."

"Samuel was a sweetheart."

Emmanuel shook his head before knocking on the door to one of his brother's homes.


"It's me.."


"I've got a surprise."

The door flew open and a taller man, a little more slender than Emmanuel, stared down at the two of them as his toothy grin came into view. Frances smiled.

"What's this?" He asked, looking down at the little witch, "Your whore?"

Frances gasped and stepped forward, "I am no one's whore, sir!"

Thomas chuckled and pushed her back onto her bottom. Emmanuel growled at his brother and lifted Frances back onto her feet.

"Do not touch what is mine.."

"So she is yours?"

"She will be father's feast."

"Oh, you might get back into his good graces with this one.. I might have to join in on this ritual. Last time the girl was a little too....not my style."

"And I am?" Frances trembled, "W-what do you do at these...rituals?"

Thomas laughed, "Are you daft?"

Frances frowned, "I am not."

"Too naive and innocent for you, Emmanuel....fell right into your hands, I suppose."

Emmanuel shrugged, "I came by to tell you not to fuck with my property."

"She's got two weeks...two weeks and I can do whatever I want—now go away so I can sleep."

Thomas stepped back and slammed the door in their faces.

"Rude.." Frances huffed, taking off before Emmanuel did.

"Where are you going?"

"Home!" Frances called back as she kicked up dirt with her boots, "You're all rude and crazy."

Emmanuel grabbed her arm and whirled her around, "Sweetheart, we're demons..what else would we be?"

"You're half-demon! Some goodness has to be in there somewhere!" She pointed a finger at his chest, "This heart isn't dead yet."

Emmanuel glared at her, "Don't pretend like you know me or what I've been through..."

"Oh, I'm supposed to care about what you've been through when you're about to toss me away like a piece of meat?! I'm leaving..let me go!" Frances tried to wiggle free, but Emmanuel's strength was impeccable.

"I am sorry, sweet pea, but this is how it has to be! I don't make the rules!"

"Who does?!"

"Our gods!"

"Your gods are hateful! Get some new ones!"

Emmanuel pulled her along as rain started to pelt them.

"Just take me home—I won't tell anybody.."

"Your witches will start a war with us. I don't think so.."

"Then kiss me again..kiss me and make it count..."

"What is wrong with you? We're not a couple! We're not together. We're not a thing, Frances...I am handing you over to my father in two weeks, but you're as good as dead already."

Frances trembled, "Then make my last two weeks count."

"Count? I don't care how.."Emmanuel stared down at her doe eyes looking up at him, "Why?"

"Because if I'm as good as dead, let me live."

"You're going to bother me unless I do this—bother me to fucking death!"

"Yes I am.." Frances told him, "You can do whatever you want with me—just let me have some precious memories before it happens."

Emmanuel eyed her, cautiously, "I can't do that here."

"Then we'll go to Golden Top.."


"It's secluded...we can do whatever we want—and you said it's two weeks and Golden Top is only a half day's trip from here.."

Emmanuel knew that was a bad idea, but she looked so desperate just to have one more chance at living.

"You won't pull anything.."

"I can't pull anything without my powers! What I do have wouldn't make you budge anyway..."

Emmanuel wasn't so sure about that. Her alluring sex appeal and the way she talked to him was driving him crazy.

"Fine—we'll leave in the morning.." Emmanuel sighed, grabbing her hand so they could outrun the rain.

"No...I like the rain.."

"I hate the rain.."

Frances laughed as the water came down harder on them.

"No, you don' just don't like it because I said I love it..."

Emmanuel frowned. She was right and he hated that. He heard his mother liked the rain—that was one thing his father remembered about her.

"Dance with me.." Frances pleaded, "Can you dance?"

"I can sway.." Emmanuel said, his plans turning into dust, "You're my captive, not my wife.."

"Even better—you won't be tied down with me!" Frances said as she placed her hands on his shoulders and Emmanuel grabbed hold of her waist.

"Who the hell are you?" He asked as she hummed a little tune, sashaying her body as they moved closer to each other.

"Someone who wants to stay alive—and someone who's going to show you how to live."

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