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Frances shivered in Emmanuel's arms.

"I don't know what you mean. This isn't my home....I demand you take me back to the Light Forest right now—or else!"

Emmanuel grinned, his eyes ablaze with mischief, "Now why would I do that?"

"B-because I I said so!!" Frances was determined to get out of this somehow—some way...

"You're feisty—I like that and so will my father.."

"Wh-who's your father?"

"Plenty of time for small talk later," Emmanuel said, releasing Frances as she crumpled to the floor, "I had depleted much of your power so good luck in trying to escape. You are new, though?"

Frances glared at him from below, "Yes, I am a novice. I'm not..."

"You're a half-witch, yes I know—your father was human?"

Frances turned away, "Plenty of time for small talk later."

Emmanuel chuckled as he leaned down and picked her up. She didn't put up too much of a fight—she was still tired from having her powers practically wiped away.

"Food?" Emmanuel looked over at the tray he'd had brought in for them, "Bread...cheese..grapes..Need to keep your strength up."

"For what?"

"For the ritual."

"Not the ritual.."

"You've no clue what I'm talking about," Emmanuel mocked.

"It's a virgin sacrifice because you're all depraved lunatics, yes?"

"You might be right, but I know you're hungry and I know you have a love for grapes."


"I've been spying on you," Emmanuel admitted, "So let's get you out of these clothes..." he stepped forward as Frances took a step back, "You might as well get used to having men see you naked, sweet pea."

"Sweet pea?"

"Take off your clothes."

Frances shook her head, "No..not until I have more clothes and you've left the room."

Emmanuel stepped forward, grabbing Frances by the shoulders and tugging down her dress, exposing her bare breasts.

Frances gasped and covered herself with her arms, "You're a heathen!"

Emmanuel smirked, "And you have a nice set of tits," he turned around and handed her a bundle of clothes, "There's a bath ready for you behind that curtain. I won't come in—unless you want me to."

Frances trembled, "You won't let anyone in there, will you?"

Emmanuel studied her face, "Do you want me in there with you? I can't guarantee someone won't try to get to you—they know you're here."

"But if I have to be a virgin...they won't touch me, right?"

Emmanuel sighed, "There are a lot more things they can do to you without taking your virginity."

Emmanuel realized that this young woman probably didn't really believe something so extreme was going to happen to her. Sadly, that was the plan.

"I'll go with you, sweet pea," he calmed her as he lead her to the back room, "I won't hurt you."

Frances scowled, "You're a demon—I think hurting me is in your job description."

"Half-demon," he said, "My mother was a human."

Frances watched as the steam rose from the tub. She waited for Emmanuel to turn around and quickly stripped out of her clothing, easily slowly into the water. She didn't see the incubus turn around though and catch a glimpse of her. She was short, but she wasn't a thin woman—no...she was—as his father so elegantly put it—juicy.

"Are you under?"

"I am..."

Emmanuel turned around and smiled, handing her a rag and a bottle of soap and shampoo.

"Your fear is minimal."

"I have faith that my coven will find me."

"Do you?"

"Yes. You don't really want to hurt me—I see it in your eyes."

Emmanuel snarled, "You don't know a fucking thing about me. I took you from your home and will be happy when you're lying naked on the altar my father will prepare for us..."

"You do a lot for your father?"

Emmanuel knelt down and grabbed her out of the water, her wet body slipping and sliding against his.

"Emmanuel.." she gasped as he held her by the throat and leaned into her face—so close that their noses touched, "Please.."

"Please what?" Emmanuel smiled, "This is the part I love—when they beg me for mercy."

"I don't want your mercy. I want you to see you are better than this."

His breathing was rapid, his nostrils flaring.

She reached up and cup his cheek, leaning in and kissing him on the lips.

Emmanuel was so stunned that he didn't move—he couldn't. He was stuck in his spot, mesmerized by the witch before him.

He pulled her into him, wrapping his hands around her waist and returned the kiss, his tongue slipping inside to find hers. He was lost in her already and she wasn't even using any magic. This was beyond anything he'd ever felt—he'd felt lust, need, want...and yes he wanted her, but she wasn't brought here for him. Why did she have to taste so damn good?

A little moan escaped her, bringing Emmanuel back to the present moment. His body was hot—his arousal prominent.

He pushed her back, watching as she moved up against the wall—a look of lust in her eyes.

"You're testing my patience, sweet aren't a succubus—you're no shifter—what the hell do you think you're doing to me?"

Frances's body shivered, but she didn't cover up this time. She let him see her—all of her.

If she was going to survive this, she'd have to use all of the tactics Devonia had taught her—without her powers, she only had herself to give.

"What do you want me to do to you?"

Desires of a DemonWhere stories live. Discover now