Lucy Bronze x Reader (46) & Alexia Putellas x Character (12)

Start from the beginning

"Hi little one," she said between kisses. "Did you sleep?"

"Just an hour. I had work to get done."

"Mmn, of course you did. There's a lot of chatter that everything went well..."

She wasn't surprised Lucy had been keeping up with Lumos and in particular – her.

"Always room for improvements."

"Take the win, love. How long do I have you for?"

It was just before 10:30pm on Sunday night in Spain. "The first few days this week are the supervisors working with their teams and I'll be zooming in so... you have me until Wednesday. I fly out Wednesday morning."

Lucy groaned in relief. "Yes! Three nights and it's not even my birthday." Her head found her neck and she let out a big sigh. They were already so sick of not knowing when they'd see each other. YFN was also equally as happy. She stroked Lucy's hair. "Three nights, two days. Are you training both of those days?"

Lucy groaned from her neck but this time it was a defeated one.

YFN chuckled again. "I'll take that as a yes." She turned and kissed her head. "We still have nights. Congrats on El Clasico, Luce. You played really, really well."

"All ninety-four minutes. I'm dead."

"Not dead enough for celebrations, I hope."

"I'm not young like the others... all the celebration I need is with you."

YFN scoffed. "Don't be like that, you're not old."

"Tell that to the interviewers and the younger players."

"Luce... you haven't even lived half of your life. And you're fitter, more determined and more play-intelligent than every other player. Besides – you're just a big kid."

Lucy paused as she took that in. "Thanks, little one. I... I needed to hear that. I just had a tough game, that's all."

YFN spun in her arms and looked up at her. "I know... but that's why we have each other when times are tough. I've got you, Bronze."

Lucy grinned at the use of her last name. "And I've got you, YLN."

Her eyes flicked over her shoulder and she let her go to grab her little suitcase from the carousel. That's when YFN noticed that there had been a few people staring, obviously having noticed Lucy, though they were giving them their space together. Lucy wheeled her suitcase over and took her hand, interlacing their fingers as they strode through the terminal.



"Did you ever get that footage from the airport?"

"Oh, yeah. Sorry, I should have told you, we've just both been so busy. I have the footage of her and sent it to the lawyers. There's..."

She paused and YFN saw her hesitation. "Is it bad?"

"Well, the restraining order was based on stalking and harassment. However they also found footage of her bricking the car from a camera across the road and although you can't see her clearly, there's more footage of her walking towards the car from other cameras that match the visual image of her... so that's good enough evidence to prove it was her. They updated the restraining orders to include aggravated assault. Violating a restraining order that is based on aggravated assault means prison time."

"Ah." That's why she'd hesitated. She knew that YFN would feel guilty that she may go to prison.

"She will go to prison," Lucy said and as if reading her thoughts, "and it's not your fault. It's not my fault. She made this mess."

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