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kahmyla melanie winters

i was still so upset about yesterday. my mother offered me to stay home from school but i insisted that i should go. i want to be in amaris presence.

i was in school already and amari was on the way. i say on the bench waiting for her. im already ready to give her a big tight hug.

"hey friend" jason said while sliding next to me. i sighed. why won't he leave me alone? it's genuinely getting weird now.

i started to tug on my hair. "please not today jason" i whispered while begging. i didn't want to deal with this at this moment. i don't want to deal with it at all.

"what's wrong? you can talk to me" he scooted closer while trying to touch me. i jumped off the bench looking at him like he was crazy.

"what are you doing!" i shouted.

he rolled his eyes while getting up. "i know you are sped and all but you don't have to react that way. i was simply going to rub your back" he said while waving me off.

i froze. did he really just say that?

"just because you aren't normal doesn't mean you have to go off on other people for trying to do normal things for you" jason scoffed while walking away.

so my grandma is right. i'm not normal and everyone sees it. everyone probably knows now. i didn't want to cry or feel low about myself but it's hard not to.

another person is telling me im not normal. i'm really starting to believe it. why can't i be like everyone else? why do i have to be this way.

"bae!" amari screamed in my face interrupting me from my thoughts. "i was screaming your name the whole time. are you okay?" she asked while sitting next to me.

i sighed and shook my head no. "do you think i am weird amari?" i asked while scuffing my shoes up.

"baby everyone is weird in their own way. i told you this. i love your weirdness" amari said while pulling me into a hug. "why are you saying this?".

i didn't want to say anything. i knew she was going to get mad. "don't get mad at me please" i said while tugging on my hair. she moved my hands and nodded.

"i-it was jason" i said silently. i felt amari get angry. i knew she was trying to hide it but her face said otherwise. "he called me a sped and said i wasn't normal! i'm not sped!" i yelled while covering my face and letting the tears fall.

amari pulled me into a hug. "i'm going to kill him i swear" she whispered to herself thinking i didn't hear her. i seen sapphire running my way.

"what happened?" sapphire panicked while asking amari. i didn't say anything and covered my ears. i tuned out everything they were saying.

"i'm not a sped" i cried repeatedly while tugging on my hair hard enough that some strands of hair fell out. i felt my hands being pulled away and it was amari.

she grabbed me and picked me up. i heard the bell ring and it was bothering my ears. i thought she was dragging me to class but she brought me to the bathroom with sapphire besides her.

"you aren't sped baby. do not listen to jason i swear ill kill that nigga" amari whispered in my ear pulling me into her. i wrapped my arms around her neck and cried into her neck.

"im calling my mom right now" sapphire said while walking into a stall and talking to my mother. i didn't mean to freak out like this.

"i-im sorry" i said in amaris neck while she pulled me closer.

"you didn't do anything. i'm sorry i wasn't there to defend you" amari whispered in my ear. i didn't say anything and just stayed in her arms. i didn't want to be anywhere else.

"she's here kahmyla" sapphire said while grabbing me. i didn't want to go without amari so i didn't move. i tugged away.

"baby you have to go" amari tapped my thigh trying to make me leave. i shook my head no. she smiled in my face.

"no please. i want you and i only want to stay with you" i begged in her ear. she smiled and hugged me. she kissed my lips 5 times while i whined for one more.

"i'll come see you after school don't worry baby. i might be a little late because i got business to take care of" amari said while kissing me and waving me bye.

i nodded my head and got into the car. what business was she talking about?

amari amour williams

jason got me all the way fucked up if he thinks he can talk to my baby like that. he can say whatever he wants about me but i don't play about kahmyla. never have.

i know we are in school but i dont give a fuck if we was at a funeral. i want my fade. i knew he had gym at the moment so i was on the way there.

i walked in the gym and seen him shooting hoops. i had my chromebook in my hands and walked over to him. i quickly swung my chromebook back then i swung it forward. i hit him in the head while he fell on the floor.

i didn't stop there. while he tried to get up i attacked him. i jumped on him throwing punches while he threw some back. we were both fucking each other up.

i was pulled away by a teacher. "say some more shit to her and i'll kill you nigga! i don't give a fuck about what you got goin on!" i screamed while trying to break away from the teachers grip.

"you asked me for help nigga! you think i'm going to help you after all this shit? yo whole family can die for all i care" i spat out while being dragged out the gym.

"you just wait" jason said while wiping the blood off his face. i rolled my eyes and i was brought to the office. i knew my mother was going to be pissed.

i sat there quietly waiting for her to get here. she was here and she was furious. "please tell me what the fuck happened amari" she said softly. i can piss my pants right now.

"he was talking about kahmy-" i whispered before i got cut off by my mother.

"you are fighting other peoples battles again? i thought we already went over this amari! don't make me take away your privileges to see kahmyla" my mom yelled while pointing at me.

my heart dropped. taking away my privileges to see kahmyla? i really can't let that happen. i don't know what ill do.

"but mom you have to listen! i didn't fight for no reason!" i yelled while trying to defend myself. she wasn't buying it.

"i don't want to hear it. we are going home and you are grounded. so say bye to all your friends before i take your phone" she spat out.

i sighed. i wanted to cry. she won't even listen to me.

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