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kahmyla melanie winters

back to school. i'm in 2nd period and im being partners with this random girl. i didn't know her name because i didn't pay attention when the teacher said it. i'm about to find out.

"what is your name?" i asked with a genuine smile while sorting the papers out. our project is on the mitochondria.

"just call me ny" the girl said while rolling her eyes and regaining focus on her phone. i nodded my head and sighed.

im guessing she doesn't want to talk? i don't get why everyone is so mean to me at first. "so do you know anything about the mitochondria that you would like to share with me?" i asked enthusiastically.

she shook her head no. i nodded again. "well i can share with you. i know that it is an organelle cell. i also now that it uses the aerobic respiration and the-" i explained before getting cut off.

"i think i get it" ny said while laughing at me. i sighed and stopped talking. it's like everytime i meet someone they always cut me off or laugh at me. i genuinely hate it.

i started to tug on my hair and tap on the desk. "can you stop doing that?" ny flipped on me. i simply stared at her.

"i'm sorry" i whispered while scooting away from her. she nodded her head and went back onto her phone. the bell was about to ring so i packed up all my stuff.

the bell rung and i ran out the class looking for amari in the hallways. i seen her with aaliyah. "bae!" i yelled while jumping into her arms.

she caught me and hugged me tightly back and kissed my forehead. i guess she could sense something was wrong with me because she gave me a concerning look. "what's wrong?" amari whispered in my ear.

"hello to you too myla" aaliyah rolled her eyes. i giggled and gave her a big hug. she noticed something was wrong as well. "what's wrong lovey?".

"it's nothing guys. we have class together amari! i will see you later my liyahboo" i said while blowing her a kiss. she blew one right back to me and walked off the other way.

"so what's really wrong?" amari asked once more. i sighed. i don't want to make this a big deal. i'm not a baby and i can stick up for myself. i need to start fighting my own battles.

"nothing baby it's really nothing. when we go home can we stay on the phone all day?" i questioned while playing with her fingers. she blushed at me before nodding her head.

i whispered "yes!" to myself and hit my victory dance. amari was getting embarrassed so she snatched me up.

"what the hell was that?" she whispered to me.

i laughed at her. "it's my victory dance? do you have one of those?" i asked. she shook her head no. i gasped. "we have to make one together" i explained.

she scoffed at me before walking into the gym hand in hand with me. "what took yall so damn long" mani rolled her eyes while walking besides us.

"she's a slow walker" amari pointed to me. they both started laughing so much like something was funny. i let go of amaris arm and went to go change.

she walked in slowly after me. "if you wear those shorts again i'll murder you" amari said while pointing to me and walking over to her locker.

"you won't murder shit!" sapphire yelled out from by her locker. i giggled to myself and brought out the sweatpants i brought out for gym and changed. i looked around and felt some eyes on me.

i looked over and it was was just amari. she winked at me and i faked gagged. she rolled her eyes and looked away. i got distracted in trying to tie my shoes a different way.

while i was trying to tie my shoes i heard some arguing. it sounded like amari. "i don't care who you are. why are you watching me while i get changed? you all up in my mug.." amari spat out while pointing at the girl.

i didn't know who this girl was. i was currently looking at the back of her head. i walked over besides amari and seen it was ny. just my luck.

"if it isn't miss aerobic respiration" ny said while laughing at me. i rolled my eyes. amari looked at me with a stank face but i ignored it.

"i have a name. it's kahmyla so please address me by it" i said while picking at my fingers. "why are you watching my girlfriend get changed? look somewhere else".

ny scoffed at me. "if i wanted her i could have her. trust and believe that" she laughed in my face. i started tugging on my hair.

"bitch! you-" amari spat out before i cut her off.

"you couldn't have shit if you wanted to. you see this?" i said while pointing at amari. "that's all mines" i spat out.

ny laughed in my face and walked away. sapphire came and high five me. "bitch i've never seen you say no shit like that. you even cursed you are growing up so fast" she squealed while pulling me into a tight hug.

i squealed myself. it felt good finally sticking up for myself. sapphire left to go participate in gym. i looked over to amari and she was just staring at me while her bottom lip was tucked in.

"that was real sexy" amari said while pulling me closer to her. we were the only ones in the locker room. she pulled me as close as i could be and started kissing me.

her tongue was poking at my lips for access and i gave it to her. she lowered her hands down to my core. i was started to feel hot.

i felt someone else's presence but i didn't know who. "girls i would appreciate it if you would save all of this for later and go participate in basketball" the gym teacher interrupted.

i jumped off amari and covered my face. my face was now a dark red color. i was so embarrassed. "way to ruin the moment" amari whispered. "lame ass bitch".

i didn't say anything but i kept walking til i got to the gym. amari interlocked hands with me and laughed. "it wasn't that serious relax".

i nodded and we played basketball.

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