Chapter 33 : Girls vs Boys

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Sid - So why have you packed for 1 monthh....

Kiara - 1 month.... This is even less for 3 days...

Sid picked his blanket and pretended to be asleep..

Kiara - That's rude..

Sid - Soja We have to wake up early tomorrow..

Next Morning, was beautiful the weather was awesome and it was time to enjoy on a vacation..
Everybody was almost ready with their bags and themselves..

Mom - Kriti Come fastt.... We are getting late..

Dad - At this time we were supposed to leave..

Kriti - Coming Just 1 min mom..

Mom - Sid... Kiaraa.. ( She called)

Sid - Coming Mom...

All were here Mom told everyone to take blessings from god.. They took ,closed the house..
Both the families were supposed to meet in the lawn.. They all gathered.. Three Cars were going.. One with Kiara, Sid, Kartik &Kriti , Another with their moms and dads and the third with their things and servants..
It was a three hour journey to their farmhouse..

Both the Cars left ( Servants and Mom & dads)


Kiara - Give me keys.. Today I will drive..

Sid - No... Not at all.. I will drive..

Kiara - Whyy??? You always do.. Today I will...

Sid - No.. You won't...

And they started arguing..

Kartik and Kriti - Shut Upppppp

Kriti - I have a Idea We will decide who is going to drive through...

Kartik - Through???

Kriti - Umm.. My fingerss.. You choose...
( She said giving her two fingers.. Sid chosed one..)

Kriti - Its Bhabhi...

Kiara shouted in excitement "Yessssss" and asked for the keys.. Sid rolled his eyes and gave her the keys.. She took it..sat on driving seat and all of them got seated and left towards farmhouse.. After Sometime kiara turned on the radio.. Sid murmured " I knew this was going to happen.." he said while putting cotton in his ears.. Kiara gave her a side eye.. He ignored and closed his eyes... Kartik , Kiara and kriti were enjoying the music and were so excited to reach there..
After few hours, they reached there.. got from car.. everyone was waiting for them to arrive..

Mom told the servants to keep their luggage in their rooms..

The farmhouse was beautiful , refreshing and a perfect place for vacation.. A lawn full of greenery and trees around , Pool and a luxurious house..
All of them were gathered in the lawn having a cup of tea in the bright sun that shine above them..

Kartik - So what's next ??

Kriti - Yess.. What we will do now??

Kiara - Umm... Let's play..

Sid - No.. ( Busy in his phone)

Kiara - What No?? First of all you keep your phone aside...
( She said Snatching his phone..)

Sid - Whattt !!!! It's important...

Kiara - Noo.... We are not here to work... We are here to enjoy..

Mom - Kiara is right...

Sid - Mommm...

Mom - Sid please keep it aside for 3 days atleast...

Sid - Finee...
(Kriti giggled...)

Kartik - Ok so What we will play..

Kriti - Basketball....

Kartik - No.. Football....

Kiara - No Crickett...

Sid - No we will play Football...

Kiara - Noooo......

Sid - Yesss Majority Winss..
( He said giving high five to kartik )

Kaira - Finee...

It was Girls vs boys.. Sid was Champion in Football.. It has been his favorite since childhood.. To beat him in football was next to impossible.. They started the game.. Boys were leading and it was obvious because Sid had been excellent in it..

Sid - Yesssssss We wonnn
( He said jumping in air..)

Kiara - Noooo

Kriti - Aree yaar...

Kartik gave a high five to Sid..

Kriti - Ok You won because bhai is good in it.. and it was a one sided game..

Kartik- Onsided Excuse me..

Sid - Dekh tujhe nahi aata toh ab kuch bhi mat bol.. ( Don't give excuses and accept that you don't know how to play..)

Kiara - It's ok Kriti We give it you..

Sid - Leave them..

Kartik - Yess.. Let's celebrate..

It was afternoon and sun was right above them..Mom called them and told to take a bath and be fresh.. The whole day was full of fun.. Everyone eating together.. playing games, singing and dancing around.. Everything was perfect but for sometime..

To be continued..

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