25| crazy little thing called love.

Start from the beginning

She truly was having the time of her life, and Eli was watching it all unfold from the sidelines with the biggest grin on his face. She was incredible, a born performer and the crowd loved her. Especially for that last song, they were all screaming together, because those lyrics brought everyone together. It was a room full of thousands of people all feeling the exact same way, letting out their anger with Martha.

He'd never been so proud in his life, she was absolutely smashing it like he knew she would. Him and the guys were all standing there singing along with her, cheering and applauding like they were there in the audience in front of her. There was not a soul in the building who wasn't in love with Martha at that point.

'Thanks one else again to inhaler for letting me up here to open the show for them, and to you guys for being an incredible crowd.' Martha spoke into the night, her smile present in the way she spoke. 'Thank you so so so much, enjoy the rest of your night!'

She waved goodbye to the crowd, blowing kisses and reaching forwards to grab some of their hands before she walked off the stage. All the guys were standing in the wings waiting for her, Kyra and Simone were there too but Eli bet everyone to the race as the first person to congratulate her after her performance. Without a care in the world or a moment of hesitation, Eli pulled Martha into his arms, picking her up off her feet to spin around as the two of them grinned like two love struck teenagers.

'That was fucking incredible!' Eli exclaimed, kissing her quickly before the others wrapped there arms around her creating the biggest group hug all to celebrate their friends performance.

'Martha bloody Hendrix that was actually insane!' Rob cheered, high fiving her and pulling her into his side quickly as everyone wandered backstage.

'Thanks!' She smiled, hugging everyone back.

'Come here you!' Simone cheered, pulling Martha in as Kyra did the exact same.

'How was that? Cause oh my god Martha you looked incredible!' Kyra told her.

'It was amazing,' Martha chuckled, 'Thank yous for letting me open, fuck me it was-'

'Shut up Martha.' Josh laughed. 'Don't be thanking us.'

'We've to try live up to that now.' Ryan joked. 'Eli you try dance around like Martha and see if it does us any favours.'

'No chance.' He fired back.

They had a little while until it was inhalers time to shine. All their school friends and families were here, but they were all somewhere in the crowd by now. Kyra, Simone and Martha were gonna head out into the crowd too, it was only right that they were out there with the crowd enjoying the performance.

Josh and Eli selfishly wanted to see them there in the crowd too, to look out and see the girls that haven't left their minds since they met a couple months ago. Tonight was special for everybody, to play a hometown gig after months off the road was such a great feeling. Eli was feeling it a little more though, not only was it his first gig in months in his hometown, but Martha had opened the show, and she'd be right there in front of him while he was on stage too.

Seeing all of his friends so happy for Martha, treating her like family made him smile, he knew his friends and family in the crowd were doing the exact same. It made him so happy.

'Hey, can I steal you a sec.' Eli said to Martha.

'No you can not!' Simone said sarcastically, crossing her arms at Eli. 'We need to go and find ourselves a good spot out there.'

'Oh,' Eli smiled, 'true.'

'Hey, I'm joking, lighten up.' Simone said, nudging Eli. 'Don't shit your pants, I'll lend you her for five minutes.'

in my sleep | elijah hewsonWhere stories live. Discover now