56- He's back

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Logan Walker's pov:

Maely closed her eyes as I pressed on her wound she was badly injured, there was blood everywhere on the floor, her clothes were all full of blood as were my hands.

"Hey! MAELY!" Nohan yelled to Maely as he moved her face a little to wake her up.

But she wasn't responding- "check her pulse!" I shouted to Nohan without letting up on the pressure on the wound.

Nohan looked for Maely's pulse and seeing his eyes I got worried- "it's very mild almost nothing." Nohan said.

"The helicopter is landing!" I heard Adrien say from the porch of the house.

I grabbed Maely lifting her completely off the ground, her hands fell to her side as her head was all limp. I started walking in a great hurry towards the helicopter.

The soldiers opened the door and let me in- "NOHAN- CALL MY WIFE TELL HER WE ARE ON OUR WAY-" I shouted to Nohan who stood outside the helicopter with his wife and children.

He agreed as he yelled at Adrien to get the truck.

My wife is a surgeon inside the base hospital we were on our way to right now. The helicopter left the ground and quickly began to fly toward the hospital.

"Is there any way to communicate with Lieutenant Riley?" I asked one of the soldiers next to me. There were two more soldiers from the emergency unit who were struggling with Maely.

"Not right now! We can try when we land sir!" The soldier said to me.

"Do you have a satellite phone?" I asked.

"Yes sir!" The soldier handed me the phone.

Some minutes passed and we arrived at the hospital helipad airspace. The helicopter started to descend and there was already a medical team waiting for Maely with the stretcher.

When we reached the ground, the soldiers opened the hatch and the medics began to take Maely away.

"Captain Walker, your wife is already prepared waiting for Maely inside the ER. As soon as we have information on how the operation went or anything, we will let you know." One of the military nurses informed me.

I agreed and let them go.

When I saw that I was alone on the helipad I pulled out the satellite phone and dialed Price's satellite phone number.

The phone rang for about 10 seconds when Price answered.

"Captain Price, here." Price said. His voice was deeper than normal indicating he had just gotten up.

"Price, it's Walker. There's a problem." I said.

"Logan? What happened?" Price asked me fixing his throat. His voice was one of concern.

"Maely was attacked in her own home." I told him as I looked up at the sky.

"What?! Is she okay?!" Price asked.

"I don't know, Price! I don't know-she's in the ER right now, what am I supposed to do? Ghost is awake yet?" I asked. I was losing my mind already.

I was trained for worse things...but I can't. I can't keep my cool when it comes to Maely. She-she's basically my sister. I grew up with her...she and Hesh are all I have...or well- just Maely.

"Price, I can't lose her too!" I said almost on the verge of tears.

"Don't worry son, she'll be fine! I'll let Simon know right now, I'll call you back in 5 minutes." With that Price ended the call.

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