46- interrogation

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I entered through the doors of the base building and everyone was in a heavy great mood. I entered the meeting room and there was no more room to sit down, the room was very crowded with soldiers and important officers.

I felt like shit, Vladimir told me that I should rest because of the wound but I had no choice but to get here.

"Are you ok?" Maely asked approaching me. She along with half of Task Force stood next to me as they had recently arrived.

"Ah-yeah. I'm fine." I told her trying not to show any signs of pain as I stood up straight.

"You sure? You look really bad." Soap asked me this time.

"Yeah, I'm just tired." I told him.

They all agreed but I could still sense that they didn't think I was actually okay.

"Good evening, I'm sorry you all had to drop everything you were doing to get here. As you well know 1 days ago, Star Ivanov, started cooperating with us. Star Ivanov had sources connections to Vladimir Makarov and the Russian government. Today at approximately 10:57 p.m., neighbors living across the street from Katherine Faal Ivanov's home reported to the authorities strange noises and screams on Katherine's property-" Laswell paused and lowered her head for a few seconds.

I looked around and many soldiers did the same...Star Ivanov was present in the living room sitting right next to Price and my mother.

"The police arrived on the scene and Katherine including her husband and son were victims of a violent and horrific massacre." Laswell said as photos of the scene began to appear on the screens.

"Holy fuck-" Maely exclaimed as we all watched the photos.

"46-year-old Frank Faal Wagner, known as one of Germany's most successful engineers, was killed with a glock 9mm allegedly with a silencer. He died with a single shot to the head." Laswell said as photos of Frank appeared on the screen.

"Carsten Faal Ivanov, 6 years old was killed with a single bullet to the head." Laswell explained.

"Now, Katherine is in intensive right now, battling death. She took 2 bullet hits to her legs and 3 more hits to the torso, abdomen and left shoulder areas. She lost a lot of blood and one of the bullets that hit her abdomen perforated one of her vital organs. A search for an AB-negative blood donor will be underway very soon." Laswell said.

"Someone with a lot of experience did the job." Ghost said getting our attention. But also not loud enough for the others to hear.

"What do you mean?" Maely asked him.

"Frank and Carsten were killed with a single shot and straight to the head. No misses and all with a 9mm glock with a silencer. The killer only used 7 bullets, 5 in Katherine, 1 in Frank and one in Carsten. It wasn't just any person. I'd bet she's or he's a soldier or special forces probably Russian." Ghost said.

He's not wrong, damn it.

"Makes a lot of sense. A random person doesn't have that ability." Gaz said.

"We will be keeping a close eye on the DNA results which will be being carried out all over the house including on the bodies and clothing of the victims. Keep everyone on their toes and any questions or comments you can approach Price, König or myself. Thank you." With that Laswell stepped down from the podium and everyone began to leave the room.

"Well-I'll-go home." I said as I gave a small smile without much energy to everyone.

"You came here alone?" Keegan asked me.


"I can give you a ride, you don't look like you could be alone right now." Keegan offered.

"Thanks but-"

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