22- One year later

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It's been a year since my life took a drastic turn. I went from being one of the most dangerous femme fatales to one of the most respectable sergeants in Task Force 141.

I have gotten used to my new life and the people around me. König and I are still in our long-distance secret. Sometimes we talk by FaceTime and sometimes by regular message. We have also seen each other, as I have had to travel to KorTac base for procedures...and there...well, we have done everything.

To those of you thinking about Ghost well, we went from strangers to battle buddies and now we are best friends. I know, it's hard to believe.

"Good morning!" I said walking into the meeting room.

Already basically everyone was seated waiting for Price and Laswell. I took a seat in between Ghost and Farah.

"You fell asleep again? How irresponsible you've become." Ghost said to me as he fixed my hair.

"What? Of course not. I was getting coffee and tea for you." I said handing him the cup of tea as I handed another cup of coffee to Farah who was laughing.

Ghost finished fixing my hair- "Your hair was all messed up. You were sleeping." Ghost took the cup of tea and pulled his mask up to his nose so he could drink from the cup.

"Are you saying my hair is ugly?" I asked him with a face of sarcasm.

"Yes, that's what I'm saying. Don't paint your hair again, you're damaging it." Ghost said pointing to my hair.

Since I haven't recolored my hair, all my hair is going back to its natural color...blonde while on the ends I still have a bit of black.

"What do you know about hair?" I said rolling my eyes to him.

"I have a wife and a teenage daughter, are you forgetting that?" Ghost said to me as he crossed his arms.

"Right, have you accepted the fact that Josephine has a boyfriend?" I asked laughing.

Josephine is Ghost's oldest daughter, she is an adorable 15 year old, she is very nice and very beautiful too.

"Never." Ghost said turning his eyes very annoyed.

"It's not that bad, besides we were our wives' boyfriends at some point in our lives" soap told him this time laughing.

"Shut up, Soap. Your daughter is only 6 years old, you'll understand me." Ghost told him.

We all started laughing but the door to the room opened... Price, Laswell and König walked in.

My eyes went wide when I saw König, Farah gave me a slight nudge with her shoulder and looked at me with a "look who's there" face as she raised an eyebrow.

We all made our official salute to our superiors and sat down.

"Good morning" price told us before we started. We all answered him.

"For those of you who are wondering why Colonel König is joining us today it is because Sergeant Svetlana, will be saying goodbye to us." Price said .

We all looked at each other and even Ghost looked at me and his eyes showed a kind of sadness. I actually didn't expect to come back so quickly to KorTac...but I've been in the UK for a year now.....

"What?" I asked confused.

"The KorTac general already gave the green light for you to come back." Laswell explained.

I agreed with my head and even though my whole life is made in other countries like Germany...plus...I want to be close to König for reasons I can't even explain myself...I feel something inside me telling me to stay in Task Force 141. Maybe it's because I fit in so fast in this unit that I feel it's my right place...or maybe it's because I really like this new life.

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