52- the bar

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After being sworn in, in front of the North American flag along with the United Kingdom flag, I was given my new uniforms which were exactly the same as Maely's.

Price had everything ready, I could tell he was looking forward to this moment. Something that made me feel good.

Since Laswell contacted KorTac explaining my situation and sending them all the paperwork, König hasn't stopped calling me.

I have 5 missed calls and 10 messages from König.

As much as I would like to talk to him, I know it will not end in anything good, just more arguments.

"So....we know there's not much reason to go out drinking because we're all sad about what happened with Josephine and Chase...but-we can make an exception for your arrival." Soap said catching my attention.

I started laughing a little- "we better drink later!" I said.

"No, we don't, we don't-we have a tradition." Gaz said this time laughing.

"Tradition?" I asked confused as I looked at everyone.

"Yeah, we have to drink until we can't remember what happened the next day, it's like a new arrival to the group." Farah said.

"Yes but- it just had to be broken with Farah. For reasons of religion and respect. We only drank ourselves for Farah." Soap explained.

I agreed with my head, as I understood.

"But- I did get drunk on juice and water!" Farah said very proudly, the boys laughed as they agreed.

They were all very respectful and understanding of Farah's religion and belief.

"So what do you say?" Alex asked me.

They were all looking at me.

"Yeah, fuck it." I told them agreeing.

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Few hours later:

Sullivan had brought me straight from the hotel to the bar where we were all going to be together. Soap, Gaz, Alex and Farah were already at the bar waiting for me.

Keegan left before me-because he was actually going to the hospital. He was worried about Maely. We all are.

We had been told not to go to the hospital because we should give Simon and Maely privacy and space because of what they are going through...so we agreed and left them alone.

But I couldn't get out of my head the idea that Maely was hating me or blaming me for what had happened. Although I don't know if it was Vladimir or not...but I just felt guilty.

"There she is! The star of the night!" Soap said as he raised his drink with a smile.

I approached with a pleasant smile.

"Here- this is the first one of the night. How many times have you been drunk?" Soap asked me.

"Honestly or little lie?" I asked before taking the drink.

"Honestly, we're a family now." Gaz told me.

"Well- I've never been drunk." I said sipping from my drink. Everyone started laughing and telling me I was lying that it was impossible.

"I swear to you, the only times I had the opportunity to drink was on missions as a spy in bars or events. I have no social life." I told them.

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