32- my ex

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"You-you were König's ex?"

I stared at her while in my own mind I kept repeating 'not her' over and over again.

Maely gave a sigh and settled back in her chair.


Then the doors to the room opened and everyone began to enter, another meeting. Maely and I stared at each other but we were no longer in private so we could continue.

"Shall we talk later?" Maely asked me.

I just nodded my head in agreement. All of Task Force sat next to us, Ghost sat next to Maely while on my other side Soap sat. I already looked more like a member of Task Force 141 than KorTac.

The meeting started and I kept looking at König...he had his back to us while looking straight at the screen behind the podium...but I kept looking at him.

I wanted to scream at him, hit him, hug him, kiss him, and even cry again in front of him...but not to make myself look stupid. I wanted to be loved or wanted by him.....

After a few minutes the doors opened again and the soldiers we were waiting for entered.

Keegan Russ was not wearing his mask which made many of us, including me, be amazed by his appearance. He was a very handsome man...too handsome.

Why is it always the ones who wear masks are the most handsome? FUCK!

Behind him was Melina Gates, she was wearing her hair very short almost layered bob with bangs. It was kinda pretty.

Roach and Yuri had also entered.

Yuri and I made eye contact for a few solid seconds...we recognized each other but quickly changed our gaze so as not to make it so obvious.

I knew Yuri had jumped the pond...I remember how Vladimir wanted to assassinate him when he found out that Yuri had betrayed him and was working with Vladimir's greatest enemy, Captain Price.

After that...I never saw him again, until now.

"Since we are all assembled, let's start talking about the first stop of this mission. We will be doing reconnaissance in Russian territory." Laswell began to say as the map appeared on the screen.

"The reconnaissance will be done by Yuri and Svetlana, with backup from Maely and Keegan." Laswell continued.

"And the others?" Horangi asked.

"We'll be on standby in case of any emergency we get into the game." Price replied.

"When will it take place?" Keegan asked.

"Tonight, so be prepared." Price said again.

"Any other questions?" Laswell asked but everyone in the meeting was quiet. We all accepted our role within the mission and minutes later each unit left.

As everyone was about to start working in their business, I got up from my chair and walked down the hall so I could go to the medbay...I think the only place I've been lately is there.

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