5- Makarov's

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After our very complicated and horrible conversation between König and I, we decided to walk away.

I don't understand what his fucking problem with me is...I know I have not been a good person these past few months, I know I have murdered many, many innocent people and I also know I have evaded justice...but I am human...and even though I don't have my own free will...I am still human.

We all have our own problems, dammit.

He's not one to judge me either, especially when he doesn't even show his own identity.

I was lying in my bed as I listened to Roze give little snores...the room was completely dark, although you could see a little bit because of the moonlight coming through our windows.

I was in complete silence as I stared up at the ceiling, thinking about everything...absolutely everything.

From my childhood to the current events I find myself in. Wondering over and over again why my brother left me in that mansion?

Why did he do this to me? Does he really not care about me?

These are unanswered questions and that is what is slowly killing me. It's eating me alive to know that my brother abandoned me as if I was just another soldier in his power...it's impossible.

He would never do that and even less when we are both of the same blood and went through the same abandonment.

Then my eyes closed....

Flashbacks/ dream:
Norilsk, Russia.

"Ты не можешь уйти! Ты не можешь оставить меня! (You can't leave! You can't leave me!)"

"Конечно, я могу! Мне надоела эта жизнь! (Sure I can! I'm sick of this life!)"

My mother and father's screams went on and on throughout the small apartment...things breaking and lots and lots of hurtful words could be heard.

I was sitting on the wall of my little room with my hands covering my ears together with my legs to my chest...my tears were falling...because I didn't understand what was going on....why were my parents fighting?

Anyway...it's completely normal my confusion...I'm only 7 years old.

I saw the door to my room open a little...when I saw...it was my older brother, Vladimir.

He closed the door and sat down next to me as he hugged me. His face also looked a little teary.

Something very bad was happening.

"Владимир, что происходит? (Vladimir, what's going on?)" I asked him as I tried to control my tears.

"Все хорошо, просто продолжай обнимать меня. (It's okay, just keep hugging me.)" Vladimir told me as he stroked my hair.

The screams of my parents as they kept fighting didn't stop...I was so scared...what's going on?

Then the door to the room opened...my father walked into the room and knelt down in front of us. He was wearing his work uniform...but he had some backpacks in his hands.

We stood in silence waiting to hear him speak.....

"Владимир, тебе пора повзрослеть и возмужать. Твоя единственная задача - защищать свою сестру, ты понял? (Vladimir, it's time for you to grow up and mature. Your only task is to protect your sister, do you understand?) " my father said to Vladimir.

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