54- she's alive

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I felt a small sensation and discomfort in my nose which tickled but at the same time gave me the sensation of sneezing so I opened my eyes to find Keegan lying there looking at me and tickling my nose with his finger.

"Good morning." Keegan said to me laughing.

I rolled my eyes and sneezed a little- "Good morning."

Keegan got out of bed and walked to the bathroom- "you didn't want to wake up, I called you 3 times." Keegan said to me as he turned on the shower.

"What time is it?" I asked as I sat up.

"7:15 in the morning. We have work." Keegan told me.

It was already time. I already felt like I was on vacation in Washington DC.

I got out of bed and went into the bathroom to wash out my mouth while Keegan showed.

"What do we have?" I asked him.

"We'll be making a plan for a mission. There is a terrorist group that has been quite active over the last few months. Task Force 141 along with the governments have been working on surveillance on them, but-they will be taking action now." Keegan said.

"What group? Is it Russian? My brother again?" I asked as I sputtered and looked in the mirror at Keegan.

"No, mysteriously your brother has been pretty quiet. We haven't had any trouble with Russia or their groups. The problem is in Germany." Keegan said.

"Okay...but-that's already KorTac's jurisdiction, isn't it?" I asked very confused.

"Yes and no. The NATO leadership is not happy with the job KorTac has been doing. They assigned Task Force 141 to finish everything once and for all." Keegan explained as he stepped out of the shower and dried off.

I took off my clothes, Keegan came over to me and gave me a sweet little kiss on my back as he was the one who was now going to wash his mouth out while I got in the shower.

"So we have to go back to Germany?" I asked him while I soaped me up.

"Unfortunately it's possible. But-Laswell and Price haven't said anything about it but- I wouldn't rule it out." Keegan explained.

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We arrived at the base to start working with other NATO and CIA soldiers. There was a lot at game, we were all seated at tables in a very large meeting room. On the tables there was a piece of paper that specified which group we were, for example ours said "Task F. 141".

Laswell along with other officers who were the same rank as her but in different groups were at the front where we were all watching. They were going to conduct the meeting.

Each one of us in this meeting had to carry a card with our names, unit and photo to identify ourselves and we were all seated in order of rank.

Price being our captain was seated in front of us, Keegan being of higher rank than Price was on Price's left hand side although Price gave the orders. But there was an empty chair on Price's right hand side.

Soap was sitting at the beginning of the second row where all the rest of the Task Force was sitting. Soap is the next person in rank to Simon. But if we mix up our allies it would be Keegan, Maely, Price, Ghost, Soap etc.

Right now in the second row we were Soap, Gaz, Roach, Yuri, Alex, Melina, Farah and myself. I was the newest in the group and I have the same rank as all of them so I am the last in position.

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