8- messing with me

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{FANART credits to ave661.tumblr.com}

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We were all running around, doing our morning routines until about 12:30 noon.

The whole morning was very smooth and quiet. Other than having to sweat to death.

It is now two weeks since I joined KorTac. It really wasn't all very easy and still nothing remains easy. Especially when everyone at the base looks at me like I'm an outsider.....

I really am.... I don't belong to the good people anymore. Especially with my last name, it's automatically a no no for everyone.

The only one who has been talking to me like nothing is Roze. Sometimes I think she does it because she was ordered to but other times I think she really does it because she likes me or I don't know.

Horangi has also been helping me quite a bit, during training or just keeping me company for support. It's very interesting when he tells me about his country and even his own family...it's like he trusts me.

On the other hand, König has not been so attached to me and I understand that...it's not like he should be next to me either but...you understand. There are very few times he interacts with me or just talks to me. Most of the time he just looks at me or gives me orders...but other than that, nothing else.

The others in my unit accept me and make me feel like part of them but only two can't stand me...Calisto Allard and Sami Zakaria. They both hate my guts. I don't blame them that much...

"Go and have lunch." Aksel, our captain said to us.

We all accepted and did the salute to him....
"Let's go!" Roze took my arm and led me to the mess hall.

We lined up quietly and sat down at the same table as usual.

"Can we sit down?" Roze and I turned our heads and there was Stiletto, Hutch, O'Conor, Oni Watanabe and Klaus.

"Sure, sit down." Roze Said.
I just gave them a smile...I was a little nervous. It was the first time they were all sitting with us.

"Svetlana, nice runtime you made today. Did you practice athletics at school?" Stiletto asked me with a smile.

I looked at her surprised- "thank you, no...I didn't practice any sports at school." I told her with a shy smile.

"No? Too bad, you would have been a star in track and field." Stiletto said.

"Yeah, you're pretty good. I think you could come in second place for best stamina in the unit." O'Conor said this time.

"Whew that would make Calisto mad as hell." Hutch said with a laugh.

"She's going to die if she finds out someone was able to beat her." Klaus said this time.

"Who's in first place?" I asked very curiously.

"Isn't it obvious?" Hutch asked me with a smile.

"Who?" I asked.

"König. He's in first place in everything but sniper." Oni watanabe said this time.

"I'm not surprised." I said with a laugh.
König really is a war tank.

"Well well well...if it isn't nothing else but, Svetlana Makarov..." Calisto stood in front of our table.

"Calisto, we are eating in peace, can you go to the same shit?" Roze said to her very annoyed.

"Why? Why now everyone is having a nice evening with her? Do y'all want to meet her? Hahaha for God's sake! She's a fucking murderer, why can't y'all understand that?" Calisto said.

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