47- get her out

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Maely's pov:

"Maely I don't know if you are there- but- I had no choice! Vladimir knows where your children are, he knows how and where to get to them easily - if I didn't complete this horrendous mission he was going to kill them! I couldn't-"Svetlana was trying to explain everything.

She was very desperate and in her face you could see behind all that paper and false face that she didn't regret anything... she was sorry. She was hurt and I could see how much she felt burned.

I really felt very bad seeing her like that, not long ago I didn't even know that we were families, worse now that I met her and had the opportunity to be with her... We really are very similar...

Simon ran his hand down my back giving me some support...we were all still in shock. I never thought that Svetlana was the artist of the massacre. But it wasn't her fault either...she was innocent out of it all.

I was just very worried about her.

Star approached Svetlana and grabbed her by the neck while she shook her and choked her. We all panicked, Laswell hit the button to communicate with Horangi and König who were wearing headphones.

"GET HER OUT OF THERE! SEPARATE HER!" Laswell yelled at König and Horangi.

They began to separate them, Horangi took Star while König stayed with Svetlana.

Horangi brought Star into our room, while we all continued to listen very precisely to König's conversation with Svetlana.

But two soldiers entered to take her to her temporary cell until her innocence was proven.

We all stopped looking into the interrogation room and started talking to each other about our opinions.

"What do you think?" Price asked us.

"It's clear that she did it, but she already explained to us why. She's partly innocent, she's another victim." Soap began to say.

We all accept except Star. Clearly.

"No! She murdered my grandson and his father! My daughter is fighting for her life! Of course she is working with her brother! She is not innocent!" Star said.

"She's still innocent, he was threatening her with three innocent lives. If she didn't do it, those lives were going to die." Farah said.

"She is not innocent. Innocent were my loved ones." Star said again.

"Ivanov, you don't have the head right now to be able to speak coherently-" I was saying.

"You are the mother of those three children, right? Plus you are Svetlana's cousin, you shouldn't have no say in this case. You are irrelevant." Star told me with a lot of attitude.

"Excuse me? Aren't you Katherine's mother, Carsten's grandmother, Frank's mother-in-law and a former corrupt politician who worked closely with Vladimir? If we're talking about irrelevance, you're in the top one darling." I told her, adding to my attitude too.

"Do you know who I am? Do you know who you are talking to like that, soldier?" Star asked me loudly.

I gave a sarcastic laugh and took a step forward, Simon grabbed my arm but I let go of his grip - "don't- hold the fuck up-" I told him.

I looked back at Star- "-but do you know who the hell you're talking to?" I asked her directly regardless of who was present.

"Watch out soldier." Star told me.

"First Lieutenant Maely 'Charlie' Callahan to you." I told her in a loud and clear voice.

"Laswell, I hope Svetlana is prosecuted as a criminal. My daughter deserves justice." Star turned to Laswell ignoring me completely.

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