55- false steps

517 11 8

I put Maely's mask in one of my cargo pants pockets and walked over to Sullivan.

"Let's go," I said. She just nodded her head in agreement and we started walking until we reached the SUV that was already waiting for us.

All the way to the hotel I just thought about everything that was going on. If Vladimir was not the one who attacked the museum then who? What enemies do Maely and I have in common? As well as the former members of the program?

"Aren't you nervous?" Sullivan asked me.

I looked at her and stayed quiet for a few seconds. I think this was the first time since she had been assigned to be with me that she had actually spoken to me.

Sullivan was a woman about my height, her skin was Caucasian, she had very light brown eyes and her hair was dark brown curls although she always had it either in a ponytail or in a bun.

"Nervous because?" I asked turning back to look out the window of the SUV.

"We're going to war, that-that doesn't scare you?" Sullivan asked me.

"The CIA assigned you too?" I asked looking at her again.

She did look a little nervous. It didn't seem like her, she was always very direct and professional almost like a robot.

"Yes, all of us here." Sullivan told me as she pointed to the driver and the one on the passenger side, they were all CIA agents.

" where?" I asked them again but this time in general.

"Germany with your team." The driver answered me.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Agent Gale."

"Your real name." I said.

"Wesley Gale" Gale answered me.

"And you?" I asked the passenger.

"Agent Hoster. Jeff Hoster" Hoster answered me.

Then I looked at Sullivan.

"Thalia Sullivan" Sullivan answered me.

I agreed with my head- "a pleasure. Svetlana Makarov although my real name is Svetlana Yakovkev...and no, Thalia...I'm not afraid or nervous about the war." I told her but this time I felt as if I was going to dissociate myself.

All my life I have been in a constant war. In the program, in the Russian military, Russian member of the Ultranationalist Party, member of KorTac and now Task Force sergeant. I have never had a life...I see the other people around me in the free world...they have a home, a family, husbands or wives, children or pets...a normal job...but not me.

I have never had a chance to live my life. I am just a child who grew up under a leader and programmed and molded for one purpose only...to serve a nation as a war machine consists.

I am just a Russian military experiment that turned out to be very successful. I have a set of skills that not every soldier has or any person, I can camouflage myself in your circle of friends or work without going through trouble, a spy...there is not one lie detector test that I don't pass because that is what I was created to do. To be the dirty work, not to fit into society but to do what someone higher up and with power tells me to do.

I am not in control of my life.

We arrived at the hotel and I quickly went into my room to take a bath and sleep.

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9 hours later : 11:40 pm

I heard the shower turn off so I looked at the clock on my phone and it said 11:40 pm. I sat up for a few seconds as I felt like I was disoriented, I felt like it was already the next day but it wasn't I had just slept too much and woke up late at night the same day.

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