3- welcome aboard

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"This building is everyone's quarters, the first 2 floors are for women and the other two are for men..." Horangi was explaining to me as we walked through the halls.

Everyone was looking at me with confused faces and others were talking about me behind my back...many of them already knew who I was.

"And this is your room-" Horangi knocked on the door and suddenly a woman with black braided hair opened the door.

"Oh- come in." She said giving us room to enter.

Looking inside the room...there was a bed on the left side empty, while the whole right side was full of stuff.

"Well-this is your roommate. Remember tomorrow at 4am we will be waiting for you in the shooting range." Horangi said to me again.

I agreed with my head and he walked out of the room leaving me all alone with the woman.

"My name is Roze Helms. I take it you are Svetlana Makarov, right?" Roze asked me.

"That's correct." I answered her leaving everything that was for the bed...I really had absolutely nothing. All my basic clothes and utensils were at my house....

"You haven't gone to get your uniform or personal hygienic stuff?" Roze asked me.

I felt a little weird...I mean I don't have anything. No money, no home, no extra clothes...nothing. I'm practically homeless now.

"Come with me, I'll help you" Roze took me by the wrist and started to lead me.

A how many hours later they had already given me my uniform, they gave me about 5 uniforms, 2 uniforms for special operatives, extra underwear and several other things. So I could start again.

Now we were sitting in the dining room eating our dinner. There was only silence at the table...Roze didn't seem to like to talk much, so it was perfect because I don't want to talk much either.

I looked around while eating and noticed that many soldiers were looking directly at me...with faces of hatred, contempt, disgust etc.

I notice that Horangi and König were sitting at a table along with 4 other soldiers...but König was staring at me. I felt a little intimidated by his stare but who is he to be intimidating me?

"Well well well...I have a question...this table belongs now to the traitors?" After hearing a female voice made me turn my head to the right and look at her.

It was a woman in a black uniform...it was the same style or almost the same style as my unit's uniform. I could confirm it when I saw her shoulder, she was wearing the KorTac shield.

"Can you get out of here?" Roze replied in an irritated voice.

"Mmm, no. Why don't you two better, get the hell out?" The woman said again.

"Surely you're too desperate to come here and bothering us at this hour, don't you think?" Roze answered her again.

"Desperate me? Why? I am not a traitor nor am I the sister of a traitor."

Then I gave a sneer. I thought it was hilarious that without knowing me she has to be throwing hints at me, who the fuck is she?

"Did I say something funny?" The girl asked me sarcastically.

"I'm laughing at your fucking presence right now, I mean- do you even know me to be talking shit about me?" I asked her as I crossed my arms.

But this time I could feel the gaze of everyone in the dining room towards our table.

"I know enough to know what a scumbag you are just like your older brother, Svetlana Makarov." The woman said again.

I got up from my seat and just by getting up the woman started attacking me, Roze got up and started trying to separate us.

I let her hurt me as much as she wanted...but when I saw the perfect moment I bit her in the face making her scream and let go from the pain.

Then suddenly someone grabbed me by the waist from behind my back, lifted me off the ground and started to carry me away from the dining room.

As I turned my head it was König. This man is totally huge and very strong...my body is like an ant next to him.

"Let go of me!" I said giving him small blows on his arm which was around my waist.

But he kept silent.

Then he let go of me but I looked around us and there was no one...just the two of us.

I stared into his eyes....

"Die erste Nacht in unserer Einheit und du machst schon Ärger? ( First night in our unit and you're already causing trouble?) " König said.

"Uh...whatever you said. Fuck off." I replied.

I don't know much German so I don't know what the fuck he said.

"You should stop looking for trouble. You have no allies so it will be very easy for us to disappear your corpse." König said to me.

Was he trying to intimidate me? Does he think his threats will do anything to me? For God's sake.

"Do you think I'm afraid? Or am I afraid of you?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"You should be."

"Well let me inform you that I never will and besides I didn't start the fight it was that woman. If you have good eyes and were able to notice the situation then you can understand that it wasn't me, I was just defending myself." I said.

"Excuse me? I would like you to repeat that to me." König said sarcastically.

I gave him a joking laugh and moved closer to him-"instead of hitting on me with your eyes you should have seen the argument more accurately."

"Wait-do you think I was trying to eat you with my eyes? Me?"

"I saw you looking at me with those desires"

Then our bodies got closer and closer...I want to see if he really hates me but likes me...what's his problem with me?

"Go to sleep. Tomorrow at the shooting range without tardiness." König turned around and disappeared from my sight.

Oh my....so that's his problem?

𝕴𝖓𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖆𝖑 𝖘𝖍𝖊Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora