43- unbelievable

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Arriving back at the base we all began to put down our weapons and gear. It had been an epic but normal night.

"Svetlana, night meeting." Roze warned me.

Another damn meeting?

I just agreed and followed her, when we walked in, Star Ivanov was there without her handcuffs and sitting next to Laswell. I was very confused...she was supposed to be in the interrogation room by now.

"What's going on here?" Calisto asked.
We all began to sit down as we waited for answers.

"It really was a planned operation. Star Ivanov is not actually our enemy. We had to make believe it had been a kidnapping so Vladimir Makarov wouldn't think Ivanov was cooperating with us. But - the reality is that she is." Laswell began to explain.

"So it was all a show?" another KorTac soldier asked.

"Correct, soldier." Laswell replied.

"Why?" This time I asked.

We murdered people...real people so that this would turn out to be a show for Makarov to believe and for Star's reputation.

"Your brother would murder my family if he found out I was cooperating with his enemies." Star shot back.

"Soldiers died who were protecting you so this turned out to be a show, don't you think it's still wrong?" I asked but you could tell my voice was one of irritation.

"It was necessary." Star answered me.

"Unbelievable." I said staring at her.

"Svetlana...I think it would be best if you excuse yourself from the meeting. We will be giving you all the information but I think you need to step out for a while." Laswell said to me in front of everyone.

I was very confused and annoyed so I just gave her a fake smile and stood up from my chair-"with pleasure."

With that I walked out of the meeting and stood in the hallway. I was very upset because it didn't seem fair that innocent soldiers had to die for nothing.

Then the door to the meeting room opened and König came out, making me roll up my eyes annoyed.

"What's wrong with you?" König asked me.

"Why do you care?" I asked but with attitude.

"I'm your colonel, you forget that?" König answered me as he stood in front of me with his hands on his waist.

"Good to know, there's nothing wrong with me I just didn't like being part of something so evil." I told him.

"It's our job, we must take precautions-"

"our job? I didn't get in here to keep killing innocent people without any valid explanation or justification. When all of you do these things, y'all make it look like my brother really isn't a villain after all." I told him but after I finished...I thought about what I had said.....

"Yeah? You really think so? That your brother is not a bad person?" König asked me but his voice was one of demand.

"No-I mean what-" I tried to fix what I had said.

"Svet, go home. I think it's for the best." König said to me.

"Excuse me?" I asked a little annoyed.

"You're not thinking straight, go and rest. I'll be sending you your papers from the meeting with Roze. Good night." With that König turned around and went back to the meeting.

"Fucking unbelievable" I said as I walked all the way out of the building to get the hell out.

I walked out of the building and pulled out my phone to call for a fucking Uber but it was out of battery, this must be the best day and night of my fucking life, don't you think?

"I'd ask you if you're okay but...I guess I better not." I heard Keegan's voice say to me.

I looked to my left side and there he was, sitting on a railing while smoking with his mask up to his nose.

"Shouldn't you be at the meeting?" I asked trying to forget all the bad stuff.

"You too." Keegan answered me laughing as smoke came out of his mouth.

"They took me out and sent me back to my fucking house." I told him as I put my right hand on my forehead.

"Well, then you'll need this." Keegan walked over to me and handed me some keys.

"W-what are these? Keys for what?" I asked confused as I grabbed the keys.

"Your motorcycle" Keegan told me.

"Wait- what?" I asked but this time giving him a confused smile.

"I used my rank and influence a little...until they took the hold order off for my motorbike. She's all yours again." Keegan told me.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He did that...for me?

"Why-why did you do that?" I asked with a smile.

"Well-it's yours and you shouldn't be riding home in an Uber, neither at this hour." Keegan answered me as he threw the cigarette on the ground and stubbed it out with his boots.

I just gave him a hug...Keegan's arms wrapped around my waist as his head dipped a little down to my neck...our embrace felt a little more intimate and warm...I felt like he could hear and feel my heart in his chest.....

"I appreciate that, Russ." I said letting go of him a little so I could look into his face but my arms were still holding onto his waist.

"If you really appreciate it, just call me Keegan." Keegan answered me with a smirk...fuck...his lips looked really pretty and a hot pink color right now....

"Kee- oh well...uh-I'll tell Price you'll see him later." Our hug ended when we heard Maely's voice. We broke apart and looked at Maely who was accompanied by Ghost.

Maely was looking at both of us but her face was one of amazement even though she was about to say something and laugh. Ghost was just standing there looking at us even though he looked surprised too.

"Oh no- I was just leaving." I said to Maely.

"You sure? We can- leave y'all alone. We're leaving-" Maely said as she grabbed Ghost by his hand to both leave.

"No- no. I'm leaving now. Keegan...thank you." I looked at Keegan again and his mask was already all the way down.

"Yeah, no problem. I'll see you later, yeah?" Keegan said putting his right hand on my shoulder.

I gave him a smile and nodded my head in agreement. I waited for the three of them to leave so I could leave too. I walked to the parking lot and found my motorbike right next to Keegan's.

Keegan had left my protective helmet on top of the motorbike, I took the helmet but there was a note inside it.

Call me when you get home. Take care


I couldn't help but smile as I put on my helmet...he was giving me butterflies in my stomach for no reason. I must be losing my damn mind.

The whole ride home was one of total tranquility...I missed being able to go at a remarkable speed while watching the lights around me go by without stopping or just feeling the wind try to stop me. It was like personal therapy.

Arriving at the subway parking garage of the apartment building, I turned off the bike and got off. I took the elevator all the way to my apartment.

I opened the apartment doors and everything was off as it was supposed to be. I left my helmet on the dining room table and headed to my room so I could take a nice bath.

After taking a long relaxing bath, I put on my pajamas and left my phone charging on the nightstand. I lay down on the bed and turn off the light leaving only a red led light on.

I was ready for bed when I remembered to call Keegan to let him know I was home and okay. I went to grab my phone when I felt someone sit behind me in the empty space on the bed.

I hurriedly turned around and there he was.....

"Сестра (Sister)."

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