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Shaking away the vivid thought you brought yourself back to reality. Who were you kidding? You knew if you ran for that door you'd be shot and killed. Waiting for Spider-Punk or police was the best bet.
Hoping Spider-Punk would arrive soon, you waited... amongst the crying and screaming civilians, your heart ached for each of them. One woman holding a baby pleaded with the masked crimal, her tear stained face and crying child had no effect on them however as they simply ignored her pleas.

Finally you heard sirens and could make out the flashing red and blue lights. You felt a sense of relief but at the same time disappointment. Where was Spider-Punk? Part of you throught he was going to rescue you... but he didn't. Was he truly gone?

As the blaring sirens continued the police officer began shouting directions but the person paid them no mind. As the two masked criminals reunited you watched as they discussed their way out of here. You couldn't hear a word of what they were saying over the police outside and the other hostages.
It seemed they also were struggling to hear as one of the fired their gun signalling for silence. The room immediately crouched lower cowering at the sound and the threat of being shot. The room fell quiet and they began making their way to the door. It was clear they had planned something as they scanned the room, one making eye contact with you for a moment. The second you met their cold gaze you instantly turned your eyes back to the floor. However it did not stop what happened next.

The one patrolling the room firmly grabbed your forearm ripping you from the ground. You tried to pull away from them but were met with the gun pointed at you. You struggle was quickly put to an end as they pulled you into a headlock pressing the cold metal against your head.

"Try anything I'll shoot you!", they said dragging you out the front door, surrounded by police. A few people stood nearby watching the scene unfold, Janice being one of them. Your heart was racing as the unknown person kept you securely in a headlock with their gun pressed against your temple as they threatened the people.
Your heart was in your throat as silent tears rolled down your cheeks. Their grasp was tight, almost cutting off oxygen.
You felt like you were underwater everyone's voices were quiet their speech unintelligible.
It felt as if you were in a dream.

You could see police shouting, the worried expressions of the civilians in the area, the pure terror on Janice's face. Yet with everything going on, things felt so quiet, slow, with everything going on your mind was still stuck on that hero.

Everything happened so quickly.
From the gunshot.
Being dropped to ground.
Getting dragged away by a police officer.
This quickly brought you back as your heart once again began to race. Feeling a pair of arms wrap around you, you heard Janice trying to calm you. He was shot. Not you. You were in disbelief, hearing the masked criminal shout in pain as blood flowed from the gunshot wound on his hand.

"You're ok. You're ok", Janice rambled as they continued trying to ease your panic. Your heart was racing, breathing was uneven and rapid, your cheeks damp from tears you hadn't noticed falling.
Amongst all the chaos one thought truly stuck in your head... why didn't he come for you? If he sensed you were in danger by walking alone at night he must've sensed that. Had the linked sense worn off? Or was he in danger? Or was there something more dangerous occuring?
Hundreds of possibilities ran through your mind, but you still blamed yourself. Maybe he didn't want to see you again after revealing himself. That thought stuck and hurt the most.

The rest of the day was a blur you barely remember talking to the police, or returning to work. It was like you were a zombie. All this stuff happened but you weren't really present. The car ride home was silent, or at least you thought it was, you weren't sure if Janice tried to start a conversation at any stage. Your eyes remained glued to the blur of a city through the window, not really taking it in but just staring at it absentmindedly.

"Do you want to stay at mine tonight? Or if you'd be more comfortable I can stay here?", Janice offered finally getting your attention with a shoulder tap.
"No, I'll be fine", you tried to reassure Janice with very little luck.

"It'll be fun, we rarely hangout like that anymore", they continued but you still disagreed. You didn't want to cause any more trouble for her.

You continued to assure Janice you'd be fine at home. Though based off her worried expression she didn't seem to believe that.

You absentmindedly typed at the article you needed to complete. Though you seemed to be writing coherent sentences you mind was still fixated on Hobie. Had he truly left? Were you never going to see him again?

A sudden ping on your computer pulled you out of your trance. Opening the email that brought you back to reality you were immediately hit with a sinking feeling.
An email from your boss.
Not a nice one to say the least. His words were fuelled by anger as he rambled abuse. Threatening your job, any future careers and even Janice's job.
It was only 11pm you hadn't missed your deadline, but it was quite clear he wasn't happy about how long it was taking.
You quickly finished the draft of your piece with no time to edit you sent it back to your boss hoping it would be good enough. In the piece you recounted an old experience with Spider-Punk, one that would give people hope. Hope that he's still around.

Putting away your computer you didn't want to see any reply your boss came up with. Crawling into your bed you lay there wide awake.
Your heart hurt as a silent tear fell. You already missed him so much and after today's events it became more clear that you did need a hero.
You yearned for those times that he saved you, took you home. You wished he stayed longer, that you hadn't let him go.

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