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Once arrived at the location of the attack the first thing you noticed was the lack of police cars. Or random passerbys.
"Are you sure we have the right location?"

"I'm positive... let's check", Janice replied walking with you into the seemingly desolate building. The lobby was empty which was strange, to say the least. It was as if every person had just vanished. Everything about the building seemed to be in order, except the lack of people.

"Janice I don't like this something's wrong", you whispered

"Let's investigate further", she replied trying to drag you along, but resisted pulling her to a stop.

"Janice. We aren't police. We aren't detectives. We're journalists. We shouldn't be here", you argued

"You'll never get a good story if you're too scared to keep going"

"Janice are you even considering this is dangerous?"

"Jesus Christ Y/N stop being scared for five seconds and get the story you need" with that she let go of your arm and broke away, possibly breaking the friendship too. You watched helplessly as she stormed through the doors which you presumed led to a lab.

...She'd never snapped at you like that. Sure she's been mad in the past but never like this.

You tapped your foot on the tile floor mind racing. You couldn't just stand there. But you shouldn't follow Janice this time either. Something was wrong. The sound of a wailing police siren pulled you out of your thoughts. On the other hand you couldn't turn back now.
Following Janice you entered the room beyond finding a rather messy lab. Animatronic bits and pieces were scattered there were loose wires and spilt chemicals everywhere, but before you could take everything in. A sudden thud caused you to jump. Your heart immediately started racing you could feel your hand begin to shake.

You ducked behind one of the flipped desks as more sounds followed. You could hear the fight taking place. The whirring of machinery kept you frozen with fear. You held your breath as the sound of shattering glass and random thuds followed.

The curiosity are away at you, but every sound caused you to jump. Quickly peeking over the table you were hidden behind you noticed the man with octopus like machinery again. Yet this one looked different than the one you saw previously. He looked older and more crazed, almost psychotic his eyes glowed with excitement, but still holding a murderous glimmer. Although he had the same machinary he seemed so different than the other. The moment the man turned in your direction you ducked down once more you could feel your heart pound not sure whether to run or stay hidden.

Suddenly a familiar figure was thrown across the room landing nearby.
Many cuts littered his body gashes slicing through the suit and into his skin.
In a brief moment you made eye contact with the man, the eyes on his mask widened with shock. You knew he wouldn't be happy to see you. But you weren't exactly thrilled to be there either. In that brief moment he let his guard down and was attacked once more. With the fight happening a lot closer you knew this would be your only chance to flee.

Taking the opportunity, you left your hiding spot to get away, anywhere. Just not in the direct firing line. Before you could get far, you felt the mechanical arm wrap around your torso ripping you from the ground. You watched on terrified as the ground grew further and further into the distance.

The sound of smashing glass was never a good sign as pieces of the material fell some leaving small cuts as they did. Now on the roof you knew how this was going to end.

He was going to drop you. Or at least threaten to, your feet were just barely touching the ledge of the building you tried to slip out of his grip but with no luck.

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