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The minutes turned to hours, you remained patient sitting on the cold floor. Surely it was safe for you to leave by now. Yet no matter how much you tried to convince yourself you were brought back to your brush with death and decided it'd be better, safer to wait.

You were confident he wasn't coming back, but you just wanted to wait a little longer. To be safe.

Checking your phone once again you still had no service. Not that it was his fault but he must've dropped you in a dead zone. People probably thought you were dead or they may not have even realised at all.

"Oh. You're still here", the voice pulled you from your thoughts. You looked at the hero as if he was stupid. He told you to wait there.

Maybe you were too panicked to notice the first time he spoke but now you could pick up on the thick  cockney accent.
Was he not from New York?

"What do you mean? You're still here. You told me to wait here", you replied. Had he forgot? Did you really wait in this building for quite possibly hours! For nothing?!

"I thought you left hours ago", his statement made your blood boil. He left you here. Told you not to move. And thought you had left. What was going through his head.

"Anyway let's get you out of here", he offered a hand which you hesitantly took. You gave him a look of suspicion not sure why you couldn't just take the stairs. Wrapping an arm around you he pulled you onto the railing, his firm grip keeping you from falling.

Without a word he stepped off the edge bringing you with him, closing your eyes you felt the air whip past as you fell at an alarmingly fast speed.

"Are you insane!?" You yelled your voice being lost with the rapid falling.

"Only a little", he replied before bringing the fall to a slow. Finally opening your eyes you could see the ground in the near distance.

"Who was that guy?" You asked finally being able to talk at a regular volume.

"Who?", his question made you genuinely consider he may be stupid.

"The guy you were fighting earlier?", you asked in a sarcastic tone, partially still in disbelief.

"Oh right. Doc Ock"


"Doc Ock, classic spiderman villain", he continued as if it was the most obvious thing.

"What did he want?", you questioned further.

"I don't know. A fight", he chuckled.
Finally feeling your feet touch the ground you've never felt more relieved to be leaving a conversation.

"Anyway don't worry your pretty little face about that. He's gone now", he added patting your head.
You could not believe this guy, sure heroes were semi cocky but this guy was like a whole nother level.

"Alright then. I'm off. Try to stay out of trouble then", he added before leaving the building.

Following him out you watched as he zipped from building to building. You lost sight of him quickly in the dark.
Your phone abruptly buzzed with all the missed calls and messages finally coming through. Most messages were from Janice but you did have an email reminding you about your report being due soon.

Dialling your friend the phone rang once before a panicked voice answered.

"Y/N?! Where have you been? I called you like a million times? Are you ok? Why didn't you answer? Wh-"

"Janice. Slow down, I'm still at the building where that spider guy was. Which speaking of. Where did you go? I went in looking for you?", you replied

"I can explain in a few minutes I'll be there to pick you up. Tell me everything. See you soon", without giving you a moment to reply Janice hung up on you.

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