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Laying in your bed wide awake, sleep just wasn't an option at the moment.
You didn't want to stress about the article, but that was all you could do. You tried to sleep, but your mind was too preoccupied with other things to even think about sleep.

This publication was going to get your name out in the world. If it's bad you won't get a chance at redemption, you'd have to move to another category, or you would lose your position and would be forever stuck editing other pieces.
Which wouldn't be the worst thing after all, you could end up jobless. But editing wasn't your passion.

Ever since you were young you loved writing, whether that be fictional stories or informational pieces. You had your style of writing which people enjoyed. After years in college and working with other journalists you finally got the qualifications to apply for the job you wanted. After countless sleepless nights you finally got to where you wanted to be. Now your here, you want to keep your position.

You wanted to write thought provoking articles, make a difference in the world. You wanted to bring attention to things that were usually overlooked.

The more you worried over your article the more you found yourself thinking about the topic of your piece. Spider-Punk. He was certainly a good topic.

He was quite different most heros you'd seen in the media. You would think that if you had superpowers you would probably have to take inspiration from fictional hero's, unless he had a mentor, but you doubted that.

Everything about him was so... Unique, from his costume, to the way he spoke to you. He had his own style of being a hero.
He was certainly a lot more confident, but perhaps too confident.

Did he always forget about civilians he saved? Or did he always take the people he rescued home? That last question stumped you a little. In your opinion that was out of character for superheroes. Did he really just ignore all stereotypical hero rules? Or was he really just overly friendly? Somehow based off your short interaction it seemed more likely to be the first option.

You found yourself thinking more and more about him. Your short interaction with him.
From his thick accent to how he executed his actions.

The memory of your interaction had you Suddenly sitting up in your bed. You remembered... he called you pretty. You quickly began overthinking that small comment.

You tried to justify your thoughts. He probably treated everyone like that. That could have been the "charm". Yet part of you wished he wasn't like that with everyone...
You could feel your heart beat a little harder at the thought. You quickly pushed away the thought... he was a superhero and you'd just met him. There was nothing there and there never would be either. You didn't want to get your hopes up. Leaving your bed you walked around your house to try and clear your mind, the darkness being somehow comforting.

The warm night was lit by the moon. On night like this you would've gone out with Janice, yet you never even considered it. After nearly being killed twice along with having written and submitted an article, you had neglected spending time with Janice. You wanted to tell her more about what had happened, but you didn't know if she'd feed your delusion or shut it down. Either way you thought it'd be best to not tell her about this.

Turning on the tv you flicked through the late night channels, there wasn't much of interest on. After a few minutes of flicking through channels and finding nothing you decided to sit outside for a bit hoping the night would ease your mind allowing you to sleep.

Sitting outside on your front porch, the moon illuminated your neighbourhood. The houses were dark and silent as if there was no one living inside. The night itself was quiet, it was one of those summer nights that was warm, but not unbearably so.
As much as you tried to keep your mind distracted you were always roped back into the thought of Spiderman.

You didn't know why you kept going back to him, you didn't want to, but it was as if he was beginning to make a permanent home in your mind.
There was something so intriguing, about him. Whether it be his accent that suggested he wasn't from New York. Or his alternative style of suit, you'd never seen a hero suit so individualised, his pins and chains all over.

You wondered if that was just his hero suit, or if he dressed like that normally.
The thought of who he was behind the mask was one that kept you occupied for a long time. Maybe you'd already met him, or you'd possibly walked past him many times. The whole idea of a secret identity was always intriguing. Though it had you invested, you didn't want to incorporate any of that in your articles if they were successful that is.

Were you really only interested in him for the article? Your brain said yes, but the hard beating of your heart told you otherwise. You couldn't have actually liked him like that. No you refused. You pushed away the thoughts of him.

As your mind continued to wander you found yourself finally growing tired, returning inside your home you locked the door behind you returning to your dark room. Climbing into bed your mind had finally grown quiet.

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