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With Hobie having finally returned he had to work a lot more. Not all criminals were aware of his return, making crime rate still at a high.

You were alone once more, the apartment always felt a lot more quiet without him. Left alone with your thoughts your mind continuously replayed that moment from the previous night.
The way his hand ran along your body, how his lips felt on yours, the way his tongue piercing felt against your tongue.
You didn't want it to end. He seemed like he wanted it, everything he did told you he wanted you. You wanted it as well. So why couldn't you commit to it?
What was wrong with you? You cared about him a lot. You knew he's more than capable of knowing his own abilities.

In an attempt to distract yourself you called Janice. You wanted to update her on how things were going. You wanted them to know you were doing... great.

"Hey Y/N", Janice greeted you could hear the genuine happiness in their voice.

The two of you talked for what felt like hours. You told them all about your first official date. His Band... you left out quite a few parts, that she didn't need to know about.

"I should get going. I'm going to try and write a new piece", you explained feeling optimistic.

"That's great Y/N I'm sure you'll get back to your spot in the paper. You're a great author", they praised. Which you tried to shut down and brush off but with no success.

"Anyway I'll let you get to work and I'll hopefully see you soon", they added before saying their goodbyes and hanging up.

The moment Janice hung up you were filled with worry once more. In an attempt to distract yourself and be productive you opened up your computer and began writing.

However with things being quiet every bump or sound caused you to jump and your heart rate to soar. Each sound would've had a logical explanation, but late at night, alone logic is usually out of the question.

Each scare you would do your best to bring your attention back to the computer. You didn't really have much to talk about in it however, you simply wrote an introduction for the return of Spiderman but you didn't have much else to say.

You found yourself growing tired as you wrote the late night you had beginning to take its toll. You struggled to keep your eyes open, but you wanted to at least finish the introduction. Your fingers hovered over the keys as you tried to find the right words but you had little success.

The sudden beep of your computer startled you as a warning appeared for low power. Saving your progress you turned off the device and searched for your charger but didn't find it. You must've left it at Janice's you determined. Checking the time you realised how late it was and decided to try and get some sleep.

Climbing under the covers you stared at the ceiling. As your eyes adjusted to the darkness you could see most of the room in the dark.
You tossed and turned in the darkness hoping you could just fall asleep but with no success. You went to the kitchen to get some water hoping that you would be able to fall asleep afterwards.

As you stumbled in the dark the sound of what you presumed to be coughing made your heart stop. You could feel your hand shaking, as panic began to set in.
The coughing however only grew louder.

"Hobie...?" You called out cautiously but there was no reply.

You didn't want to go any further, you wanted to run, to hide, be anywhere but here. And yet you continued to move toward the sound.

"Hobie?", you called out again, still no response. The coughing only grew louder but it was becoming less frequent.

That's when you saw him. Hobie lay flat on the ground, his body violently convulsing with each cough.

"Hobie!", you rushed to his side, kneeling next to him on the floor. You noticed his blood soaked suit as he continued to bleed out onto the floor, the red liquid pooling around his body.

You hands shook as you removed his mask making eye contact with him. He looked so weak, his face was drained of colour. You felt tears quickly from and stream down your face. You couldn't believe what you were seeing. What had happened to him?

He was dying.

"Hobie you're gonna be ok. I'm going to call an ambulance", you rambled. But before you could leave you felt his grip on your forearm. His tight grip, quickly turned painful for you, he wouldn't let you go.

He began coughing again, with each cough more blood spilled from his body. A lot of blood spilled from his mouth. An unnatural amount of blood, some splattering across your face, the warm liquid made your blood run cold.

Then it all came to a stop, as he let out his final breath.
"Hobie", you shook him lightly, but his body was cold his iron grip had faded to nothing.
"No... no Hobie. Please", you sobbed cradling his lifeless body.

You had to do something anything. You couldn't let him die. You raced back and called an ambulance before rushing back to him... but there was someone else there.

You froze in place, your blood ran cold. A tall silhouette stood by his body, holding a gleaming sharp knife, blood dripping to the ground from the edge of the blade.

Stumbling backwards, the figure began approaching you. This time you ran. But you couldn't get far, you barely reached the door before feeling a grip on your shoulder,turning to try and push the attacker away youw were met with Hobies lifeless eyes. The blood spilling from his mouth, the last thing you heard was his scream as he plunged the blade into your abdomen.

You awoke screaming from what you'd just seen. Your body covered in a cold sweat and your clothes clung to your skin, it took a moment but quickly came back to reality realising you weren't bleeding out, nor was Hobies corpse the one stabbing you. You felt like you couldn't breathe your chest was tight your rapid heart beat slowing back to a steady pace. Placing your head in your hands you tried to shake away what you had seen.
You were filled with a sense of dread and discomfort, as you slowly relaxed you were able to form more rational thoughts and relax a little more at the realisation that it was a dream.

The light from your computer screen displayed your half finished introduction, bringing you back to your reality.

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