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How could you decline
As the orange portal beamed ahead of you, you couldn't deny a brief moment of second thoughts though. You were leaving everything behind, for who knows how long. You were stepping into an unknown world a potentially dangerous, mysterious world.

Holding your hand securely in his Hobie guided you through the pulsating orange portal. There was a brief flash of white light, you closed your eyes in response to the sudden brightness. You felt Hobies grip on your hand tighten for a moment as your body felt completely weightless.

As the light faded away you cautiously opened your eyes immediately taking in the new environment. The room was dark but lead out to what appeared to be a platform. Releasing your hand Hobie walked ahead gesturing for you to follow. Catching up to him you watched as he walked out on the platform.

Now taking the time to realise the multiple strips of path each moving in a different direction the people walking on said paths all wore spidersuits. They also all walked upside down, sideways, nearly anyway but upright.

You tried to understand how gravity worked here, before realising. They're spiders, they stick to whatever surface they walk on.

"Coming Y/N?", Hobie asked turning back to face you, his face twisted into one of concern as he noticed your worry.

"Hobie I won't stick. I don't think I should be here", you replied feeling more and more anxious. Everyone here had powers, you didn't. This place wasn't designed for everyday people. Hobie returned to the doorway taking both your hands in his.

"One step at a time. Ok", he spoke softly.
You had to trust him. Take the first step.
The moment you walked out of the room you didn't immediately fall or get sucked into some kind of gravity vortex, which was your main concern. As you became more confident you weren't going to fall Hobie released his grip on your hands, you barely noticed the sudden absence too preoccupied looking at all the others. Each ones suit slightly different there must've been hundreds, thousands even.

And your world was only one.

"Hobie are you insane?!", Gwen asked. She just appeared out of nowhere, this place must be designed for their mobility.
Hobie simply ignored her comments continuing on his path.
"You don't know what Miguel will do", she continued panic clearly evident in her voice.
"He won't do anything. I won't let him", he replied his voice sending a chill down your spine. There was such malicious intent behind his words, he was defensive and it sounded quite clear he wasn't afraid to harm or kill someone even.

Following Hobie you noticed Pav and Miles join, you felt out of place, along with the staring of some of the random spider people. Their eyes bore into your skin their gaze filled with hatred or possibly disgust. You turned your eyes to the ground avoiding making eye contact with anyone.
You followed Gwen staying in the middle of the group trying to avoid the harsh gazes from other spiders. The dark room was lit by a red glow, laser like cages held all different types of what you presumed to be villains. Lyla flickered between the cages introducing them rambling a few familiar names. Rhino, vulture, prowler. Each Spiderman seemed to have at least one of these villains tied to its universe.

You couldn't waste much time looking however, otherwise you'd be left behind. Keeping up with the group you continued to another dark room, fog lined the ground as if you stepped into a horror movie.

"Bet this doesn't even do anything", Hobie whispered to you before taking some kind of chip from the wall, you watched closely as he showed you the chip in his hands before making it disappear. Was he a magician in his free time? Taking his hand the chip was gone, reaching into his pocket he showed you the chip before hiding it once more in his pockets.

𝔉𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔤~ ℌ𝔬𝔟𝔦𝔢 𝔟𝔯𝔬𝔴𝔫Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora