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Janice made a quick recovery and was back to work with you before you knew it. With a new piece published you were able to use some of the photos Janice had used including the one of the unknown figure.
Surely Spider-Punk already knew about him, but no one else knew if he were friend or foe.

The work day just dragged on and on, you struggled to keep your eyes open. The countless nearly sleepless nights, the memories of almost dying, the stress of needing a new piece to publish certainly weren't helping.
Spider-Punk had seemingly disappeared off the face of the earth, making your job more difficult than it needed to be.
Although you hated to admit, you were beginning to miss the over confident, intriguing man.

From the moment you left work, life began feeling like a dream. Things didn't feel real, reality felt false. As you walked in silence something caught your eye.

The group of people gathered nearby your home, the moment you glanced their direction they all turned and glared. At their action you turned your eyes back to the footpath, quickening your pace slightly.

One thing you noticed was how several members of the group reached for their pockets in a defensive manner. The malicious intent practically dripping from their gaze. One could only assume they carried weapons or something on them to cause harm.

The thought that followed scared you. Why go to Spider-Punk when he very well may come to you. He called it a "spider sense" if you remember correctly. His sixth sense for danger.

Were you really about to risk your life and just hope that he'll "sense it"?
Though the idea seemed farfetched, a little crazy and incredibly dangerous. You were going for it.

You spent a few hours at home trying to psych yourself up, convince yourself that it would work. Just to be safe you threw some pepper spray in your pocket.

Leaving your house you tried to leave all your worries behind. You knew what you were doing, you knew it was a bad idea. But you also knew exactly what you wanted to get out of this.

The night was quiet but you knew danger wouldn't be far away, part of you still couldn't believe the extreme you were going to for a story... for a story? You couldn't help but doubt yourself. Was this still for a story? Were you still risking your life for your job?

Or was this for him? Putting yourself in danger to see him? To be rescued by him? To be with him..? That last question is the one that really stumped you.
You wouldn't, you couldn't get personal feelings involved... You couldn't like him. You didn't.

You tried to reassure yourself, he was arrogant and an asshole. But at the same time he was charming and maybe a little funny. You tried to defend your feelings anyway you could but you still felt guilty for feeling the way you did.

The night grew eerier the further you got from home, it was as if you could feel the danger lurking around every corner. It terrified you, but at the same time you felt excited. You could practically feel the adrenaline encouraging you to run, but it wasn't time for that yet.

"It's a bit late for a walk wouldn't you agree" the familiar voice taunted.

Turning to the sound you were met with the man you were hoping to see. Tonight however you noticed an extra accesssory with him, one you hadn't seen him with previously.

You couldn't judge if the guitar was in good condition or falling apart at the seams, it seemed to be stuck together with tape and decorated with drawings.

"It is the perfect time for a walk", you argued continuing as he dropped to the ground walking alongside you.

"Perfect if you want to be killed", he added nonchalantly hinting that you were being reckless.

"I think you're overdramatic", you replied in a similar manner.

"I think you're asking for trouble", he continued. This time you turned to face him, he walked behind you his hands in his pockets seemingly no care in the world.

"How am I asking for trouble?", you added continuing your playing dumb tactic.

"Well you're walking alone at night", he explained simply without a snark comment... however that didn't last long.
"Not to mention you're kind of...", he trailed off before making references with his hands, referring to your height.

"You're calling me short?"

"Not necessarily but-"

"So what you're 6'1? 6'2? Everyone's short to you", you argued.

"6'5 actually, but you were close", he teased finally walking ahead of you leaving you to catch up.

"So tell me what are you doing walking around at night, I don't believe you're just 'enjoying the night'", he asked using air quotations, he quickly saw through your methods.

"Its perfect to meet with certain 'heros'" you replied using air quotations on the last word.

"And just why do you want to meet with me? Ms Y/N", he replied turning in front of you stopping you in your tracks.

"Because you're just such a likeable person", you teased stepping around him continuing as he followed once more. You felt a slight heat in your cheeks but did your best to ignore it. You heard a light chuckle from the man causing your heart to flutter for a moment.

"I must be for you too be nearly getting yourself killed. Or is that just a hobby for you", he teased. His arrogance were balanced out with his jokes enough for you to not be annoyed with his statement.

"So what's the real reason?", he added finally cutting to the chase again.

"I'll just cut to the chase. I'd like an interview"

"Well tough luck, I don't do those", he replied shutting down your request.
"You'll just spin my words however you want to get the most readers", he continued. Did he really have that little faith in you.

"I don't do that", you denied

"Maybe you won't but readers will", he continued.

"And since when do you care what people think?", you chuckled slightly turning to look at him.

"I don't, but I do have a reputation to uphold"

"Reputation. Yeah right", you added sarcastically.

"It's true. People see me and they can never fully tell hero or villain. If I do an interview I'll be permanently labelled", he explained.

His words made sense, he didn't like being labelled as good or evil. He liked the blurred line, so no one could ever truly judge him. Maybe that was part of his charm, it certainly worked for you. You could make your own judgement without opinions of others being shoved down your throat.

He wasn't a hero that you had to like. Nor a villain you had to dislike.

He was, whoever you needed him to be.

"You certainly seem to be causing me a lot of trouble Y/N", he taunted turning his gaze to the night sky.
Following his gaze you looked to the sky noticing what he was looking at.

For the first time in a long time the heavy fog and clouds that obscured the sky was gone, the stars and the full moon were visible. You couldn't help but stare in awe, though your view was partially blocked by the tall buildings of the city you could still enjoy the view.

"Do you want a closer look?", he asked offering a hand. You hesitated a moment, this was very out of character for him, even though you barely knew him, you knew this was out of the ordinary.

"Do you even have to ask", you replied taking his hand carrying you up to one of the skyscrapers.

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