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"You can come in if you want you offered", arriving back at your home. He'd been there several times but never once been inside. Though there was still a sense of pain between you, you thought it'd be nice to offer.

"I can't", you shot him a questioning look. Can't?

"I know if I did I'd want to stay", his statement made your heart flutter for a moment before reminding yourself of the reality. There was a clear connection, but he would never let himself get any closer.

"I wouldn't mind. But I suppose you have things to do", you added.

After saying your farewells you immediately went to your bed and threw yourself on the mattress.

You weren't sure how to feel part of you was giddy and excited. The way he actually touched your thigh and leaned into your touch. But the other part was filled with pain. How could you know who he was? If he never showed you, or let you in a little you'd never know.

All your emotions and thoughts swirled around your head you weren't sure what to do next. But you knew getting over him wasn't an option anymore.

Eventually the thoughts grew quieter.

Until a quiet tap startled you awake. Realising you had fallen asleep you checked the time on your phone.
2am. Ignoring the sound you got into your bed trying to fall back asleep but another tap followed. The sound was coming from the window but you justified it as just a wild animal outside. As you felt yourself drifting off to sleep a third tap sounded. This one louder than the other two.

"Y/N", a familiar voice called out their voice sounded hoarse as if he'd been screaming or yelling for hours.

Moving to your window toward the source of the sound you pulled the curtains being able to make it the figure of the masked hero.

Why was he here? Was something  going to happen was he in danger? We're you in danger? You unlocked the window pulling it open allowing the man to enter your house.

"Thanks" he mumbled, stumbling slightly as he entered the house. He acted as if he were drunk.

"What are you doing here?", you questioned trying to wipe away the tiredness. Your eyes were quickly drawn to his side which he held tightly blood seeped into his suit his hand was covered in the crimson liquid. This really woke you up.

"Jesus what happened to you", you asked inspecting his side you could tell he was trying to slow the bleeding, but it didn't seem to work too well. You went into a little bit of panic.

"Supervillain. No biggie", he replied pain clearly lining his voice.

"Sit down. And. Uh. Don't move" you stuttered sitting him on the edge of your bed before you raced off to the bathroom to grab whatever you could find that would help.

Scattering your supplies on the floor you kneeled to treat his wound as best you could.

Swallowing your nerves you took a deep breath before removing his hand from the wound. In that brief moment you saw the damage. A clear slice along his torso, potentially deep enough to have hit a vital organ. Applying pressure to his wound with a cloth you slowed the bleeding slightly.

"Hold that firmly", you told him allowing his hands to replace yours before moving onto the next thing you could think of.

"Now this part is going to sting. A lot. But you'll be fine. Yeah?", you rambled earning a slight nod from him. Removing the already blood soaked fabric you then placed a disenfectant soaked cloth to the wound.

You saw him flinch at the pain. You could only imagine how bad it had to be for him to show up to your home.
"I'm sorry. Im sorry", you rambled again.
"No it's fine", he replied placing his hand on your shoulder.

"Jesus you need stitches. I'm not a doctor", you said to yourself in a panic.

"Do you have a sewing kit anywhere?", he questioned breaking your panic a little.

"You can't be serious"

"What choice do we have?"

"We call an ambulance", you could feel panicked tears streaming down your face you barely even registered when they started.

"By the time an ambulance gets here I'll be dead",
"And you don't have a car", he added.

"Fuck it"
You did have a sewing kit from your grandmother but you never thought this was how it would be used. Grabbing the small box you raced back to the room noticing that the cloth was once again soaked with blood. If you didn't do anything he was going to bleed to death, but you still couldn't believe this is what you had to do.

You poured disenfectant over another cloth instructing him to switch them out while you did your best to disinfect everything you were about to work with.

Your hands were shaking the tears in your eyes made it near impossible to see how to thread the needle.

Feeling a grip on your hand you made looked at the man giving your hand a reassuring squeeze. In that single moment everything felt ok. But it didn't last long. Finally successfully threading the needle you winced at the thought of what you were about to do.

You were about to a sew a person back together in your bedroom, surrounded by blood soaked fabric, everything about this felt like a scene from a horror movie.

"You can do this Y/N", he reassured

"It's going to hurt. A lot. I don't know what I'm doing", you replied

"It'll be fine some stitches are better than none"

"On three ok. One"


God you didn't want to do this.
"Wait!", you walked away from the scene for a moment before bringing back something for him to bite down on, more so you didn't have to hear how painful it was going to be for him.

"Y'know", you tried to find the words but he knew what you meant pulling up his mask a little and biting down. This was the most you've ever really seen of him. But now wasn't the time to think about that.

He gave you a nod, and you gave one in return before he removed the blood soaked cloth allowing you to stitch him up as quickly as possible. You could see how much pain it caused him, the way he flinched away and how his grip tightened on the bed sheets.

You tried your best to remain focused on the job at hand keeping his flesh together as blood spilled onto your hands clothes and everywhere.

"Done", you said to yourself finally releasing a breath you didn't notice you were holding.

"Thank you Y/N", he whispered breathlessly placing a hand on your shoulder.

"Let's get you out of this blood soaked mess and I'll tidy up the wound", you offered helping him to the kitchen. You gestured for him to sit on the bench while you fetched the bandages and everything else you needed.

You can't believe you did that. You stitched a person together.
As you washed the blood off your hands you finally caught a glimpse of your reflection. Your make up from last night smeared all over your face your eyes and cheeks stained with tears, blood was splattered across your face. You quickly wiped it off before returning to the job at hand.

You took a moment to compose yourself before returning to the masked hero.

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