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"you'll be ok here by yourself ?", Hobie asked giving you a worried look as he lingered by the window.

"Hobie... I'm an adult woman, I will be fine by myself for a few hours", you laughed giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Alright, alright. Call me if you need anything", he added tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, before pulling you in for a quick kiss. His hand on your cheek and an arm around your waist keeping you close. The moment was brought to an end all too soon.

"I'll be home soon", he said before pulling on his mask and climbing out the window.
Now that you think about it you don't recall ever seeing Hobie enter or exit using a front door. Must've just been a hero thing.
Taking a seat on the couch you weren't sure what to do with yourself. Your life had taken another drastic turn now you had to learn how to live again.
Maybe you could go out with Janice? Or just go for a walk? Just do something rather than wait for Hobie to come back.
The abrupt ring of your phone pulled you from your thoughts.

"Janice. I was just thinking about calling you", you answered hearing a laugh on the other end.

"Must be because I'm psychic", she laughed.
Not as psychic as certain heroes, but Janice was close.
"Let's hang out"

The two of you agreed to meet at a park not too far from Hobbies apartment. It was nice to get out, you hadn't gone out with Janice like this in... a very long time.
The two of you talked about seemingly everything.

"So tell me more about this mystery man", Janice suddenly brought up.

"He's only a mystery to you Janice", you replied continuing along the path.

"So... tell me about him", they continued, trying to get information out of you.

"There's not much to tell, he's really sweet-"

"And", Janice interjected pushing you to continue.

"And he's great, a little cocky, but he's treating me well if that's what you're getting at", you explained this satisfying Janice a little bit.

"So have you guys..?", she asked trailing off and raising her eyebrows in a suggestive manner.


"What?! it's a normal question to ask", she defended.

"In the middle of a park it's less normal", you argued back giving her a light shove. There was a brief pause before Janice continued.

"So..?", she continued trying earning an eyeroll from you.

"No. We've only been living together for a few days", you explained. This answer being enough to stop Janice from harassing you with more questions.
The two of you continued through the park reaching a quieter area away from the lively part of the park.

"I want to find someone like you did", Janice began.
"I feel like I'm dating all these people and they're just using me, I don't think any of them have really loved me", they explained.
During your time living with Janice you met a few of these people and you had to agree. They never really seemed to have her best interest at heart. The most recent one you were aware of was using her to get back with their ex.
You knew Janice wanted to find love and they deserved love, but they could never find it.

"I want to find someone real. I've only met Hobie once, but you can see it he really loves you. I saw it, he always looks ready to take a bullet for you", she laughed.

"Janice I know you'll find someone. Cause you're the most caring, loving person I know all these people a stupid for letting you go", you added cheering them up slightly earning a half hug from them.

"Alright enough of the depressing shit, I have to tell you about...", they replied their voice returning to its usual cheerful tone. But you couldn't pay attention to what they were saying, you were probably just imagining things, but you heard something. A rustle in the bushes, it was probably just an animal or the wind... but given your current luck it was unlikely.

You tried to ignore it... until it was louder. You quickly shushed Janice earning a concerned look from her.

"What's wrong?", she asked her voice dropping to a whisper. A moment of silence between the two of you was quickly broken by the sound of someone screaming for help. Your heart was racing, however before you could react the screaming woman darted by you could barely just catch a glimpse of the blood on her arm.

"We should go", you quickly whispered to Janice. As you did so the attacker wandered along the path knife gleaming in the sunlight dripping with blood. You uickly grabbed Janice's arm as the two of you began to flee.

"What the fuck! What the fuck!", Janice rambled as you quickly dialled a number on your phone.
"I thought daylight stabbings only happened in movies", they rambled keeping pace with you.

You'd occasionally glance over your shoulder to see if they were still following and every time you did they were.
Eventually you got closer to larger groups of people hoping this would deter the attacker. As soon as you made it into the clear.
You were grabbed and brought to a stop. Spider-Punks hand were on your shoulders, holding you in place.

"What happened?!", he quickly asked.

"There's a guy. With a knife. Back that way", Janice quickly rambled between shaky breaths.

"You guys should get home", he continued his eyes lingering on you for a moment longer before leaving the two of you.

"Holy shit", Janice said in complete disbelief.
"It's as if he knew there was trouble", Janice continued finally beginning to catch her breath.

"He must've been in the area, or heard that other woman", you tried to rationalise hoping Janice wouldn't catch on to anything.
They nodded in agreement seeming to not suspect anything.

"We should probably get home", you added earning another nod from Janice.
After another short walk full of conversation the two of you parted ways.

The moment you entered the apartment you were pulled into a hug. The tight embrace was an immediate comfort.

"You're ok? They didn't hurt you?", he asked quickly inspecting you for any wounds earning a slight laugh from you.
"Hobie", you pulled up his mask to reveal his face his eyes full of nervousness.
"I'm fine", you continued.

"You don't understand what you're doing to me Y/N, giving me heart attacks", he replied with a slight laugh.
"You had a heart attack?", you replied in a teasing manner referring to how you were nearly stabbed.

"You don't need to worry, cause I'll always be around to save you", he continued tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, before bring his lips to yours for a brief kiss.

It was comforting having Hobie back again. For the first time in months you were beginning to feel safe again.

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