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Arriving at your home the masked hero let you go.
"Thank you again. You really did save me", you told him.

"Don't worry about it Ms. It's all part of the job", he replied.

"You've saved me twice I think we can move to a first name basis. I'm
Y/N", you joked trying to make light of everything you had been through.

"And you can call me Spider-Punk", he replied

You hesitated before entering your house.
"Will I see you again?", you asked filled with a slight sense of sadness you never really got to even know this guy.

"Let's hope not Y/N, but if you ever need saving. I'll be around", he replied before leaving once more fading into the night.

Entering your house you felt a sense of security finally being home. You called Janice and explained what happened before beginning writing on your computer.

"Spider-Punk. New Yorks friendly neighbourhood Spiderman?"

You began writing of your experiences with the hero while keeping as much anonymity as possible.
It was 5am by the time you stopped writing, with all the adrenaline of nearly dying and essentially flying a few hours earlier you barely felt tired and you were able to get all your thoughts onto the page.

Before going to sleep you emailed the article to Janice, it wasn't much but having them proof read it was better than nothing.
Climbing into bed all the tiredness finally hit, you'd hadn't noticed it earlier but now you felt exhausted.

Falling asleep nearly as soon as your head hit the pillow, your alarm disturbed that very quickly. Snoozing the blaring device you contemplated calling in sick, but you determined that wouldn't be the best idea with the article due today.

Dragging yourself out of bed a sense of anxiety but also excitement loomed over you from the moment you woke up. Excitement and dread for your article. If it was a hit then you'd be looking at a more permanent position in the paper. If not... you'd rather not think about the if not. To you the article looked great you got all the info in there without it being boring or dragging on.

Checking your emails you read over the feedback Janice had sent applying what you could to the piece.
It was mostly spelling errors here and there but it's not your fault you wrote that high on adrenaline and low on sleep.

You procrastinated sending the article at work, your hand would linger over the send button and then you wouldn't.
Your mind was elsewhere, mostly still focused on the masked hero from yesterday. Although he was arrogant part of him was charming he had an appeal to him which you never thought to exist. From the few things you saw about him on the news he seemed nothing like how he was with you. Maybe it was because he saved you, but part of you felt like he wasn't as bad as all the other reports say.

"You sent that article yet?", Janice interrupted your thoughts.

Finally biting the bullet you hit the send button.
"Yes I did", you replied leaving the office once more with Janice.

"So I was thinking...", they're voice grew quieter and quieter as you began to worry about your article. If you didn't get enough reads or if people didn't enjoy it that'd be it. Theres no coming back from a bad article.
"Earth to Y/N. What do you think?"

"Sorry?" You completely missed half the conversation.

"Thoughts on installing a police scanner to get to the scene faster?", they repeated

"Aren't those illegal Janice? Is it really worth it?", you questioned.

"It's only illegal if they catch us and we'll be careful about it", she defended.

The two of you continued discussing until you reached your house. Saying your goodbyes you felt relieved that you had finally submitted your piece. Yet so anxious at the same time.

Fortunately you didn't have to go into the office for the next few days so you had plenty of time to relax and hopefully not stress over the article.


The night was long and harsh. Each night patrol always took a toll. Luckily his career didn't involve him having to be awake at 6am. Though it wouldn't make much difference as that was the time his work usually finished. When crime was beginning to settle down for the next twelve hours.

One thing he'd made a habit of was checking the newspaper each morning. It would usually give him an idea of where he should be patrolling the next night, or if he could take a night off.

"Hobie. When are you coming back? You were summoned back to headquarters a week ago." The voice from his watch spoke.

"I'll get there when I get there. Things are busy here", he replied before trying to silence the watch, but with little success.

"Whatever you say. But Miguel isn't happy about it", the voice replied statically before the watch shut off.

"He never is", he grumbled to himself before taking on of the papers from the rack using a web.

Everything seemed to be in order, nothing new besides the generic petty crime and sport rubbish. Flipping back to the front page he noticed an article he had missed at first glance.

"Friendly neighbourhood Spiderman? None of my actions make me seem friendly or neighbourhoody. What are they on about?", skimming the article he eventually reached the end.

Y/N. The name seemed familiar. But then again there were probably thousands of Y/Ns around.

The article was nice. Too nice for his personal taste it made him appear friendly and approachable. Two things he did not want to give off to the general public. He didn't want to be seen as evil, but being pinned as a superhero didn't sound great either. He wasn't too fond of titles, you can't fit populations into tiny little boxes.

One thing he knew for certain was he'd have to meet this Y/N.

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