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The images flashed through your mind. They were brief but you could make out what was happening. Blood, lifeless eyes. You heard screaming, crying, praying. You just wished it would stop. Why wouldn't it stop? A sense of dread was persistent. It was your fault.
All these people were dead. Hobie was dead. Were you dead? It felt like you couldn't think straight everything was happening so quickly. It felt like you were drowning, you were running from something, but weren't getting anywhere.
A sudden grip on your hand seemed to pull you to reality.
Janice her eyes pleading and scared

"Help me"

You shot up in bed. The room was empty. It was another dream. Placing your head in your hands you tried to bring your breathing back to normal. Slow your heart rate to an acceptable speed.

"Hey! Hey you're alright. You're alright", Hobies voice soothed. His voice startled you a little as he gently put your hand in his.

"It was just a dream Y/N", he reassured taking your shaky hand, as he kneeled by the bed. Your breathing was unsteady and your heart was pounding. Still from the dream and partially from Hobie scaring you.

Finally you were coming back to reality, being able to calm yourself you turned to Hobie, his mask in his hand. Concern and fear written all over his face.

"Jeez Y/N. You scared me for a moment there", he stated placing a kiss on your forehead, taking a seat on the bed. You looked at him a little confused, before he explained.

"I heard you scream. I thought something must've happened but you were asleep", he explained.

"What time is it?", you asked not seeing any sunlight.

"Around five" he explained. He must've just got home.

"Do you?", he hesitated a moment his voice a low whisper.

"Do you experience dreams like this often?", he asked you mind flashing back to the nightmarish images.

"Sometimes", you replied think back to the most recent ones, along with the ones when he had disappeared.
"They were worse when you disappeared for a while", you explained
"But they're not as bad now", you continued with a slight smile trying to reassure him but with little success.

"So why are they back?", he questioned giving your hand a squeeze.

"I really don't know"

A short silence fell between the two of you.

"What happens in them? If you remember that is".


You didn't want to tell him. But at the same time you felt that not telling him would do more harm than good.

"They're bad. For a while. I saw you die. Every night. For months. I watched you die and I couldn't do anything. I would wake up and not be sure if it was real", you explained thinking back to the awful ways you'd seen him die. You swear you saw his face drop for a moment before switching back to his usual stoic expression.

"Sorry I shouldn't hav-"

"Don't apologise Y/N. I asked"

A silence fell between the two of you, your hand still in his. The sudden light from his wrist, immediately caught you attention as it did his. He let out an audible groan

"Sorry" he whispered, before leaving the room.

"I heard that Hobie", you heard a woman's voice say before he left.

The last time this happened he disappeared. He left for months.  Though you weren't sure if thats what was going to happen, you knew for certain you wouldn't let history repeat itself. You doubted he would either.

Trying to push your worries aside you decided to walk around the block, try to clear your head a little and just get out of the house.

As Hobie listened to the hologram from his watch lecture him, you noticed his gaze flick to you.

"I'll be right back", you mouthed earning a nod from Hobie signifying he understood what you were saying. Taking the keys you stepped out of the apartment.

"You must be Y/N", a friendly voice called out. Turning toward the source you were met with an elderly woman. Her hair was white and thick glasses sat securely on her nose. She walked with a cane and wore a long floral dress.
"Yes that's me", you replied greeting her with a smile.

"I thought so. When there's a new face on this floor it's quite noticeable. I'm Rose, but everyone here just calls me Mrs Snell", she introduced herself. This must've been the older woman that Hobie had talked about.

"It's lovely to meet you Mrs Snell", you replied. Noticing how the woman stared at you almost intrigued.

"And you to Dearie. You're staying with that young gentleman in 738, yes?"

... she was good, nothing seemed to get past her.
"That's right"

"He's such a lovely young man. He'll treat you good", she continued speaking almost reminiscent.

"Anyway I best be going. Do come by sometime", she continued giving you a wave and popping back into her room.

The interaction was brief, but very sweet. You couldn't help but feel she was quite lonely, perhaps her partner had passed.

You continued on taking your walk around the block, the cool air was calming and the quietness of the morning allowed you to clear your head.
When you returned to the apartment Hobie appeared distressed, he was pacing around the kitchen a clear look of concern all over his face.
He appeared deep in thought, but it couldn't be anything good.

"So what was that about?" You questioned cautiously breaking him from his trance like state.

"Nothing important", he replied simply.

He's entire demeanour had changed he wasn't his usual self. Although he was putting up a front, it was easy to see through. Until he was ready to tell you. You'd just have to trust that it was "nothing important".

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