Going On An Adventure

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SMG4 laid beside SMG3 as light began to stream in from the window, the two groaning as they slowly woke up with small hangovers from the reception last night. The two were tired and in pain but attempted to get out of bed regardless. SMG4 was the first to leave the room, heading into the bathroom and grabbing the small bottle of painkillers from the medicine cabinet. He opened the bottle and swallowed two pills, hoping to relieve his ailment. He sighed and turned his head as he felt someone brush pass his side.

"Morning, hun..." SMG3's voice rang out as he watched his husband walk to the bathtub, turning the knobs to turn it on after plugging the hole. "Need a hot bath... Join me..." He said, almost sort of demanding it, but SMG4 didn't mind. SMG3 set up the bath and stripped out of his clothes.

"Need a pain killer?" SMG4 mumbled, and SMG3 let out a small grunt, which SMG4 moved and handed him two, the other swallowing immediately. SMG4 moved and got out of his clothes, taking SMG3's from the floor and putting the dirty clothes in the hamper. SMG3 had SMG4 get into the hot water first before he got in in front of him. SMG3 sighed and relaxed back against the other, feeling the pain in his head begin to dull. SMG4 picked up the loofah, adding the shower gel to it and gently cleaning SMG3's body. SMG3 hummed softly and closed his eyes.

"I love this..." SMG3 admitted as SMG4 took great care of his partner while they were in the tub. SMG4 pampered him, cleaning his body and hair as the two unwound. Eventually, the steam and painkillers from earlier did their job on helping with the hangovers they were both dealing with. Once the water began to cool, they got out and grabbed towels to dry off. SMG3, feeling much better now, grabbed a smaller towel and began to dry SMG4's hair as a way to say thank you.

SMG4 smiled and moved to hug SMG3, holding him close for a moment before the two pulled away. "As much as I love standing here naked, we should get dressed." He said before he wrapped his towel around his waist.

SMG3 pouted. "You're hiding away my perfect view." He said before following behind him into the bedroom. The duo got dressed and went to the kitchen, both of them needing some coffee for the morning. SMG3 got the machine set up, brewing them each a cup. He handed the mug over to SMG4 and clinked them together. Just as they were about to take their first sip, a loud crash was heard from outside, making them stop to go investigate.

Outside was a rather large hat shaped airship, and from the door stepped Mario and Meggy. "Get in lovers! It's time for your honeymoon!" Meggy called out to them, making SMG3 groan a little.

"We just woke up!" SMG3 grumbled as he looked at the two that just arrived.

"Besides, we don't have anything packed yet anyways." SMG4 stated as he looked at their friends.

"Well tik tok, you gotta hurry the hell up! Otherwise Mario's gonna toss your asses in there!" Mario stated before the two husbands walked back into the house.

"Pack for hot and cold weather! Mario went all out with your trip!" Meggy gave them a heads up.

"Come on, we better start packing if we wanna keep him from actually tossing us in there." SMG4 stated before stepping through the front door. They walked back to their room, pulling out suitcases and beginning to pack clothes.

"I hope we're going some place sunny first. I could use a tan." SMG3 said as he packed his suitcase full, and moved to get another bag ready.

SMG4 looked over at SMG3 with a raised eyebrow. "What's the other bag for?" He asked, receiving a grin in response.

"I plan on packing something special for the two of us. No peeking." He stated before moving towards their closet to pull out a small chest. SMG4 nodded, knowing what the contents were inside, and the thought of what SMG3 would choose made him excited.

"Okay, I'll go meet you outside." SMG4 said before heading out of the room and heading outside, seeing BEEG and Eggdog playing with Mario and Meggy. He smiled, walking over and giving BEEG and Eggdog a hug. "Mario and Meggy are gonna take care of you guys for a little bit while SMG3 and I go on a trip." He said, smiling as he soon heard someone behind him.

"Try not to miss us too much while we're gone." SMG3 said before hugging their two kids. He smiled and stood up before looking at Mario and Meggy. "If anything happens, you call us okay?" He said, getting a thumbs up from Meggy. He took hold of his bags and stepped on to the airship with SMG4.

SMG4 was handed an itinerary list from Meggy. "I made sure that Mario and I were able to map out where and when you guys were gonna be able to go." She said as she looked at him. SMG4 smiled and took the paper.

"Mario had the airship updated for longer travel!" Mario said as he tossed BEEG in the air. "It's got a lot of cool features now!"

"Thanks Mario, Meggy. We really appreciate all of this." SMG4 said as he looked at the two in front of him. "Take good care of the kids while we're gone."

"We will, now just get going you two. You're burning daylight." Meggy said before SMG4 picked up his suitcase to take inside the airship. SMG3 made sure everything was packed up before they started up the airship, stepping outside to wave goodbye to the others before they were lifted into the air. SMG4 stood beside him, waving down at their friends as they climb high into the air.

Once they were above the clouds, they stepped back inside the airship so they wouldn't end up falling in case they ended up in some turbulence. SMG4 took a look around, seeing two comfy looking chairs on either side of a round table in the center of the room. Behind that, was a tiny little kitchen with a sink, stove and a fridge available. There was a doorway on the right side that was open to reveal a bathroom, which seemed to have a basic shower, toilet and sink in there. To the left side was a bed with a wooden bed frame and soft looking sheets.

SMG4 walked over and plopped down, sinking in to the bed and staring up at the ceiling for a little bit before he felt the bed sink in beside him. He turned on to his side to find SMG3 already staring at him with a goofy grin on his face. "Enjoying yourself, babe?" SMG3 asked with a chuckle.

SMG4 smiled. "I am now that we finally have some alone time together." He said before leaning forward and kissing him gently. SMG3 returned the kiss, reaching up and holding his partner's face in his hands. They held their kiss for a moment before pulling back. They looked at each other lovingly before SMG3 opened his mouth to speak.

"So, where are we going to first?"

A Debt to Repay (SMG34)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin